Python: How to Convert a Date String to a Timestamp

Updated: February 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with dates and times is a common task in many Python applications. Whether you’re reading data from a log file, interacting with user input, or working with APIs, you might often find yourself needing to convert a date string into a timestamp. In this tutorial, we’re going to explore how to accomplish this conversion using Python. We’ll cover several methods to handle different date string formats and delve into how to handle timezone-aware conversions.

Understanding Timestamps

Before we dive into the conversion process, let’s understand what a timestamp is. In computing, a timestamp is a sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred, usually giving date and time of day, sometimes accurate to a small fraction of a second. In most systems, timestamps are represented as the number of seconds (or milliseconds) since a specific epoch – in Unix systems, this is the Unix epoch, 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970.


For this tutorial, you’ll need:

  • A basic understanding of Python
  • The Python interpreter installed on your system (Version 3.6 or above is recommended)
  • Knowledge of date and time handling in Python

Method 1: Using datetime.strptime

The datetime module in Python supplies classes for manipulating dates and times. One of the most useful functions in this module is strptime(), which parses a date string into a datetime object based on a specified format. The datetime object can then be easily converted to a timestamp.

First, let’s import the necessary module and convert a simple date string:

from datetime import datetime
date_str = '2023-01-01'
date_format = '%Y-%m-%d'
datetime_obj = datetime.strptime(date_str, date_format)
timestamp = datetime_obj.timestamp()

This code will output the number of seconds since the Unix epoch for the specified date. Remember, the format string (%Y-%m-%d) should match the format of your date string.

Handling Different Date Formats

Date strings can come in many different formats. You must adjust the format string in the strptime() function accordingly. Here are a few examples:

  • To parse a date with day, month, and year: %d-%m-%Y
  • To parse a date including time: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
  • To parse dates with timezone information: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z

Method 2: Using pandas.to_datetime

For those working in data analysis or requiring more flexible parsing, the pandas library offers a powerful to_datetime function. This method can handle a wide range of date string formats without the need to explicitly specify a format string in most cases.

First, ensure you have pandas installed:

pip install pandas

Next, you can use to_datetime to convert a date string:

import pandas as pd
date_str = '1st of January, 2023'
timestamp = pd.to_datetime(date_str).timestamp()

This example converts a more naturally formatted date string to a timestamp. The to_datetime function is particularly useful when dealing with a variety of date string formats, especially in datasets.

Considering Timezones

Timezone conversions can be critical in many applications. While the methods discussed convert date strings to timestamps assuming the local system’s timezone, handling explicit timezone information requires additional steps.

For timezone-aware conversions, you can use the pytz library together with datetime:

from datetime import datetime
import pytz
datetime_obj = datetime.strptime('2023-01-01T12:00:00+0300', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')
timestamp = datetime_obj.astimezone(pytz.utc).timestamp()

This code snippet converts a timezone-aware date string to a timestamp in UTC.


Converting date strings to timestamps is a common requirement, and Python provides multiple ways to accomplish this task. The key is to understand the format of your date strings and choose the appropriate method for your use case. Whether you prefer using the native datetime module or external libraries such as pandas or pytz, Python’s versatility allows for efficient handling of dates and times in your applications.