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Python: How to Convert a Timestamp to a List of Bytes

Last updated: February 13, 2024


Dealing with timestamps and their conversions is a common necessity in the world of programming, especially when you’re interacting with different data formats and systems. In Python, one useful conversion might involve turning a timestamp into a list of bytes. This task, while seemingly straightforward, involves understanding both the representation of time and the byte structure. This tutorial aims to guide you through this process step by step.

Before diving into the conversion process, let’s briefly go over what a timestamp and a byte array (list of bytes) are. A timestamp is a sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred, typically expressing in Unix time—the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970. A byte array, on the other hand, is a collection of bytes that can efficiently store data for transmission or storage.

To kick off, we begin with the prerequisites you need:

  • Python 3.x installed on your computer.
  • Basic knowledge of Python programming.

Let’s embark on this coding journey by looking into the Python code that accomplishes this conversion.

Method 1: Using the datetime and struct Modules

Our initial example will utilize Python’s datetime and struct modules to convert a timestamp into a byte array.

import datetime
import time
import struct

def timestamp_to_bytes(ts):
    """Convert a timestamp to a list of bytes."""
    # Convert timestamp to POSIX timestamp
    posix_ts = time.mktime(ts.timetuple())
    # Pack the POSIX timestamp as a 64-bit float
    byte_array = struct.pack('d', posix_ts)
    return list(byte_array)

# Example usage
now =
byte_list = timestamp_to_bytes(now)
print(f'Timestamp as byte list: {byte_list}')

This code functions by first converting the provided timestamp (here, a datetime.datetime object) to a POSIX timestamp using time.mktime(). The struct.pack() function is then used to pack this POSIX timestamp as a 64-bit float, which is eventually returned as a list of bytes. It’s a straightforward approach, efficient, and covers most use cases.

Method 2: Using Custom Conversion Based on Epoch Time

Another method involves manual calculation based on the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970). This way offers more control over the conversion process but requires a bit more code.

import time

def timestamp_to_bytes_manual(ts):
    """Manually convert a timestamp to bytes."""
    # Calculate seconds since epoch
    seconds_since_epoch = int(ts.timestamp())
    # Manually convert the seconds to bytes
    bytes_list = [seconds_since_epoch >> i & 0xff for i in (56, 48, 40, 32, 24, 16, 8, 0)]
    return bytes_list

# Example usage
now =
byte_list_manual = timestamp_to_bytes_manual(now)
print(f'Manual byte list: {byte_list_manual}')

In this code snippet, we use the timestamp() method of datetime.datetime to get the number of seconds since the epoch as an integer. Then, a list comprehension is used to shift and mask these seconds into a list of bytes. This method is a bit more customizable and might be preferred in situations where you have specific requirements for how the bytes are structured.

Method 3: Leveraging Python Libraries for Byte Array Operations

Python’s vast ecosystem includes libraries that might simplify this process even further. One such library is bytearray. Let’s see how you can use it:

def timestamp_to_bytearray(ts):
    """Use bytearray for converting timestamp to bytes."""
    # Get seconds since epoch
    seconds_since_epoch = int(ts.timestamp())
    # Create a bytearray from the integer
    ba = bytearray(seconds_since_epoch.to_bytes(8, 'big'))
    return list(ba)

# Example usage
now =
ba_list = timestamp_to_bytearray(now)
print(f'Bytearray list: {ba_list}')

This example highlights the use of bytearray and the to_bytes method of integers. It converts the timestamp (seconds since the epoch) into a bytearray, specifying the number of bytes desired and the byte order (‘big’ in this case). It provides a slightly different approach but is equally valid and might be preferred based on project requirements.

Final Words

Converting timestamps to a list of bytes is a frequent requirement for applications involving data storage, transfer, or communication between different systems. As illustrated, Python provides multiple ways to achieve this, ranging from utilizing built-in modules like datetime and struct to leveraging the power of libraries like bytearray.

Understanding these methods and when to use them can streamline your data processing tasks and ensure the compatibility and efficiency of your systems. While the examples provided cover basic scenarios, they can be adapted and expanded upon to fit more complex requirements and specific project needs.

Next Article: Daylight Saving Time (DST) in Python: A Practical Guide (with Examples)

Previous Article: Python: How to convert a datetime object to hex and vice versa

Series: Date and Time in Python


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