Python: How to create an interactive command-line calendar application

Updated: February 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Building an interactive command-line (CLI) calendar application can be a fun and educational project. This tutorial will guide you through creating such an application using Python, a popular and versatile programming language. You’ll learn to handle user inputs, manipulate date and time, and use basic concepts of object-oriented programming.


Before diving into the coding part, make sure you have Python installed on your machine. This project will be using Python 3, so updates may be necessary if you’re on a very old version. You can download the latest Python version from

Project Structure

Our calendar application will consist of several key components:

  • The main script that drives the application (
  • A module to handle calendar operations (
  • Optionally, a configuration file for storing settings like date formats (

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Setting Up

import datetime
import sys

# Class for calendar operations
class CalendarOps:
    def __init__(self): =

    def print_month(self, year, month):
        # Python's built-in calendar module
        import calendar
        print(calendar.month(year, month))

Our CalendarOps class currently has a constructor that records today’s date and a method to print the month’s calendar given a year and a month. Let’s proceed to make our application interactive.

Step 2: Adding Interactivity

# In
from calendar_ops import CalendarOps

def main():
    cal_ops = CalendarOps()
    while True:
        print("\nCalendar Application")
        print("Select an option:")
        print("1. View this month's calendar")
        print("2. View specific month's calendar")
        print("3. Exit")
        choice = input("> ")
        if choice == '1':
        elif choice == '2':
            year = int(input("Enter year (YYYY): "))
            month = int(input("Enter month (1-12): "))
            cal_ops.print_month(year, month)
        elif choice == '3':
            print("Invalid choice, please try again.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

This simple loop will keep your application running until the user chooses to exit, making it interactively respond to user input.

Step 3: Enhancing Functionality

You might want to add additional features, such as adding, removing, or editing events on specific dates. For this, you’d enhance your CalendarOps class with more methods, each handling different aspects of event management. This would likely involve working with a database or at least, a file, to persist these events.

Step 4: Making It User-Friendly

To improve the user experience of your calendar application, consider the following enhancements:

  • Allowing flexible date inputs (e.g., “next Friday”) using a library like dateutil.
  • Providing visual cues for different types of events.

Step 5: Deployment

Your application is now ready for use! This final step could also involve packaging your Python application for distribution. There are various tools available for this purpose, such as PyInstaller.


Although this tutorial touched on the basics of building an interactive command-line calendar application, the design and complexity of your application can be extended extensively. By incorporating advanced features and optimizing your application’s structure, you can create powerful and flexible calendar utilities tailored to specific needs. Experimenting with libraries for date manipulation, exploring database options for event storage, or even integrating with web APIs for live calendar updates can significantly enhance your project’s scope and usability.

Hopefully, this guide has provided you with a good foundation to start building your own CLI calendar application in Python. As always, the best way to learn is by doing, so don’t hesitate to try out new ideas and add your own touch to your project!