Python: How to Pretty Print a Deeply Nested Dictionary (Basic and Advanced Examples)

Updated: February 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Python, known for its simplicity and readability, sometimes requires a little extra help when it comes to dealing with deeply nested dictionaries. This guide will show you how to navigate these complexities and print them in a readable format using both basic and advanced techniques.

Dealing with deeply nested dictionaries in Python can quickly become challenging, especially when attempting to visualize or debug their structure. By ‘pretty printing’, we mean printing complex data structures in a way that is easy to read and understand. Fortunately, Python offers several methods to achieve this, ranging from built-in functionalities to external libraries that can handle even the most complex of structures.

Basic Example Using pprint

The pprint module in Python is the first tool in our arsenal. It is a built-in module designed to “pretty-print” Python data structures. Let’s start with a basic example:

import pprint
simple_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': {'d': 3, 'e': {'f': 4}}}


{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': {'d': 3, 'e': {'f': 4}}}

This doesn’t look much different from the regular print function, but it becomes much more useful as the dictionaries become more nested.

Adjusting pprint Parameters

We can adjust the pprint parameters to better handle complex structures. The indent parameter is particularly useful:

import pprint
detailed_dict = {'level1': {'level2': {'level3': {'level4': 'deep value'}}}}
pprint.pprint(detailed_dict, indent=4)


{'level1': {'level2': {'level3': {'level4': 'deep value'}}}}

By increasing the indent, each nested level becomes much more readable.

Using json.dumps for Pretty Printing

Another method to pretty print nested dictionaries is using the json module, specifically the json.dumps method. This method is particularly useful for dictionaries that are JSON compatible. Here’s an example:

import json
nested_dict = {'a': {'b': {'c': {'d': ['e', 'f', 'g']}}}}
print(json.dumps(nested_dict, indent=4))


"a": {
"b": {
"c": {
"d": [

The indent parameter in json.dumps works similarly to pprint, making it easy to adjust the visual structure of the output.

Advanced: Custom Pretty Printer

For more control over how dictionaries are printed, you can write a custom pretty printer. This gives you the flexibility to format your output exactly how you want it. The following example demonstrates a simple custom pretty printer:

def custom_pretty_printer(d, indent=0):
for key, value in d.items():
print(' ' * indent + str(key) + ':', end='')
if isinstance(value, dict):
custom_pretty_printer(value, indent+1)
print(' ' + str(value))
nested_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': {'c': 2, 'd': {'e': 3}}}


a: 1
c: 2
e: 3

This example demonstrates a recursive function that traverses the dictionary and prints each key-value pair, increasing the indent level when a dictionary is encountered. This approach is powerful but requires more effort to implement and customize.


Pretty printing deeply nested dictionaries in Python is crucial for development and debugging. Whether you use the pprint module, the json.dumps method, or write your own custom printer, you have a variety of tools at your disposal to make complex data structures readable. Experiment with these examples to find the best fit for your needs.