Python: How to subtract/add a period to a datetime object

Updated: February 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with dates and times is a common task in many Python applications. Whether you’re generating reports, scheduling events, or simply tracking the passage of time, understanding how to manipulate datetime objects is essential. This tutorial focuses on adding to or subtracting periods from datetime objects in Python, utilizing various approaches and modules. By the end, you’ll be well-equipped to handle time-related tasks in your Python projects more effectively.

Understanding the datetime Module

Python’s standard library includes a module specifically for dealing with dates and times, appropriately named datetime. This module provides classes for manipulating dates and times in both simple and complex ways. Before diving into how to add or subtract periods, let’s briefly look at the core components of the datetime module pertinent to our discussion:

  • datetime: A class that combines both date and time.
  • date: Represents just the date, ignoring time.
  • time: Captures time independently of the date.
  • timedelta: Represents the difference between two dates or times.

Adding Time to a datetime Object

One of the most common operations is adding some period to a given datetime object. This can be done using the timedelta object. Here’s a basic example:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta  

now =  
one_day = timedelta(days=1)  
tomorrow = now + one_day  

This snippet will print the datetime for one day in the future from when it’s executed. The timedelta object allows you to specify days, seconds, microseconds, milliseconds, minutes, hours, and even weeks.

Subtracting Time from a datetime Object

Similarly, you might find the need to subtract time from a datetime object. You can use the same timedelta approach but in reverse:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta  

now =  
one_day = timedelta(days=-1)  
yesterday = now + one_day  

This code will produce the datetime for one day prior. The crucial point here is the use of a negative value for the days parameter in the timedelta instantiation.

Working with Months and Years

While timedelta is incredibly flexible, it does not directly support adding or subtracting larger units like months or years due to their variable lengths. For this, we can leverage third-party packages such as dateutil.

Using dateutil.relativedelta

dateutil is a powerful extension to Python’s standard datetime module. It provides additional functionality, including the ability to handle the tricky aspects of months and years. The relativedelta class is particularly useful:

from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta  

now =  
one_month = relativedelta(months=1)  
next_month = now + one_month  

This snippet shows how to move a datetime object forward by one month. Similarly, you can subtract a month:

from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta  

now =  
one_month = relativedelta(months=-1)  
last_month = now + one_month  

relativedelta allows for more nuanced adjustments than timedelta, including setting to the end of the month, adjusting to the same day of the next month, and more complex date operations that are difficult or impossible with timedelta alone.

Handling Time Zones

In addition to adjusting dates and times, you might also need to consider time zones. Python’s datetime module supports timezone-aware datetime objects, but working with them requires additional care:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone  

UTC = timezone.utc  
now =  
one_day = timedelta(days=1)  
tomorrow_in_utc = now + one_day  

This code snippet adjusts the current UTC time by one day. Working with time zones is essential for applications that span multiple regions.


Manipulating datetime objects to add or subtract periods is a common requirement in Python programming. Understanding how to use the datetime and timedelta classes, along with third-party modules like dateutil, will equip you to handle a wide range of time-related tasks in your applications. Remember, while timedelta is suitable for most cases, relativedelta from dateutil provides the flexibility needed for more complex scenarios, especially those involving months and years. Finally, always consider the impact of time zones on your date and time manipulations to ensure accuracy and user satisfaction.