Python: How to update a list value in a dictionary

Updated: February 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding how to manipulate data structures efficiently is crucial in Python, especially when dealing with complex data types such as dictionaries containing lists as their values. This article aims to elucidate the process of updating list values within dictionaries, providing clarity through practical examples that span from basic to advanced techniques.

Why Update List Values in a Dictionary?

Dictionaries in Python allow for the storage of key-value pairs, making them versatile for a variety of tasks. Lists as dictionary values enable flexible data collection under specific keys. However, there might be scenarios where updating these lists is necessary – whether to append new items, remove existing ones, or even modify them based on some condition.

Basic Example: Appending to a List

my_dict = {'fruits': ['apple', 'banana'], 'vegetables': ['carrot']}


{'fruits': ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry'], 'vegetables': ['carrot']}

Removing an Item from a List

my_dict = {'pets': ['dog', 'cat', 'fish']}


{'pets': ['dog', 'fish']}

Intermediate Example: Updating Based on Condition

my_dict = {'scores': [65, 70, 90, 85]}
new_scores = [score + 5 for score in my_dict['scores'] if score < 90]
my_dict['scores'] = new_scores


{'scores': [70, 75, 85]}

This example demonstrates conditional list updating, where we only increase and keep the scores that are less than 90.

Advanced Example: Combining Lists Across Multiple Keys

my_dict = {'fruits': ['apple', 'banana'], 'vegetables': ['carrot', 'potato'], 'grains': ['rice', 'wheat']}
def combine_lists(dictionary, keys):
    combined_list = []
    for key in keys:
    return combined_list
combined = combine_lists(my_dict, ['fruits', 'vegetables'])
my_dict['combined'] = combined


{'fruits': ['apple', 'banana'], 'vegetables': ['carrot', 'potato'], 'grains': ['rice', 'wheat'], 'combined': ['apple', 'banana', 'carrot', 'potato']}

This example exemplifies an advanced method of composing new list values by merging lists from specified keys, introducing a function to aid in the process.

Using List Comprehensions for Dynamic Updates

List comprehensions provide a concise way to update lists within dictionaries dynamically. Below is an example that filters and updates a list based on a condition:

my_dict = {'ages': [25, 18, 22, 30, 21]}
my_dict['ages'] = [age for age in my_dict['ages'] if age >= 21]


{'ages': [25, 22, 30, 21]}


Updating list values in a dictionary is a fundamental task in Python that can range from simply appending items to more complex operations, such as merging lists based on certain criteria or updating lists dynamically with comprehensions. Mastering these techniques will not only improve your code’s efficiency but also its readability and capability to handle intricate data structures. Embracing these methods opens up a myriad of possibilities for data manipulation and organization in Python.