Python – How to upgrade Poetry to a new version

Updated: February 5, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Upgrading Poetry, the renowned dependency management and packaging tool in Python, enables developers to harness the latest features and improvements. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of upgrading Poetry to a new version, tailored for developers who wish to keep their tools sharp and efficient.

Getting Started with Poetry

Before we embark on the upgrade process, ensure that Poetry is already installed on your system. Poetry offers a streamlined mechanism for managing Python package dependencies, thus simplifying the development workflow. If you are new to Poetry, install it using the following command:

curl -sSL | python -

After installation, you can verify your Poetry version with:

poetry --version

Why Upgrade?

Upgrading Poetry brings a multitude of benefits, including access to the latest features, performance improvements, bug fixes, and enhanced security protocols. Staying updated with the latest version ensures that your project is compatible with the ever-evolving Python ecosystem.

Ways to Upgrade Poetry

There are several methods to upgrade Poetry. Each approach has its merits depending on your specific workflow and system setup.

Using Poetry’s Self-Update Command

The simplest way to upgrade Poetry is by utilizing its built-in self update command. This method is recommended for most users due to its ease of use. Upgrade Poetry by executing:

poetry self update

To upgrade to a specific version, you can add the version number as follows:

poetry self update <version>

Manual Upgrade

For users who require more control over the upgrade process or face issues with the self update command, manually reinstalling Poetry might be a viable option. First, uninstall Poetry:

curl -sSL | python - --uninstall

Then, reinstall it using the initial installation command:

curl -sSL | python -

Via Package Manager

Some users may prefer to manage Poetry through a package manager such as brew on macOS or pipx for Python packages. To upgrade Poetry through brew, simply run:

brew update && brew upgrade poetry

To upgrade using pipx, ensure that you have pipx installed and then run:

pipx upgrade poetry

Post-Upgrade Steps

After successfully upgrading Poetry, it is advisable to check the installation and the new version number to ensure that the upgrade was successful.

poetry --version

Additionally, consider updating your project’s dependencies to leverage any improvements or new features in Poetry’s latest version. You can update your project dependencies by executing:

poetry update

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

While upgrading Poetry is generally straightforward, users may encounter issues such as conflicts with existing Python packages, errors during the uninstallation or installation process, or issues with the self update command not being recognized. Below are a few troubleshooting tips:

  • Ensure that your Python and Poetry paths are correctly set in your system’s environment variables.
  • If you encounter errors during uninstallation, manually remove the Poetry directory and any associated environment variables.
  • For issues related to specific self update errors, consult the Poetry GitHub issues page or the official documentation for guidance.


Keeping Poetry updated ensures that you benefit from the latest features, bug fixes, and performance improvements. With the methods outlined in this guide, upgrading Poetry should be an effortless task, allowing you to focus on developing your Python projects with the best tools at your disposal. Remember to periodically check for new releases to maintain the efficiency and security of your development environment.