Python ‘requests’ Module: How to Disable Warnings

Updated: January 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

When using the requests library in Python to make HTTP requests, it’s common to come across various warnings, such as ‘InsecureRequestWarning’ or ‘SNIMissingWarning’. Such warnings arise from issues like unverified HTTPS requests or missing packages that could potentially compromise security. However, during development or in a trusted environment, these warnings can be considered safe to ignore. In this tutorial, we’ll explore different methods of suppressing these warnings within the ‘requests’ module.

Solution 1: Using urllib3 to Disable Warnings

This solution involves disabling warnings directly through requests module’s underlying urllib3.


  • Create a Python script that makes HTTP requests using requests.
  • Import the urllib3 package which is bundled with requests.
  • Disable the specific or all warnings.

Code Example:

import requests
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning

# Supress only InsecureRequestWarning
def disable_specific_warning():

def disable_all_warnings():

# If you want to disable all warnings

# If you decide to disable specific warnings

Pros: Quick and easy, fine-grained control over which warnings to suppress.

Cons: Can mask important security warnings, not addressing underlying issues.

Solution 2: Environment Variables

You can also suppress the warnings by setting environment variables prior to running your script. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Identify the warning to be suppressed.
  • Set an environment variable using the command line or within your script.
  • Run your Python script.

Code Example:

import os
import requests

# Suppress all warnings from 'requests'
os.environ['PYTHONWARNINGS'] = 'ignore'

# Make a request to demonstrate
response = requests.get('', verify=False)

Pros: Environment-based, does not require modifying code.

Cons: Affects the entire environment, less granularity in controlling warnings.

Solution 3: Modify request.Session

Alternatively, you can work directly with a requests session object to manage warnings. Below are what we are going to do:

  • Open a new Python script or use an existing one that utilizes requests.
  • Create a requests session.
  • Adjust the session to ignore warnings.

Code Example:

import requests
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning

# Create a session
session = requests.Session()
session.verify = False

# Suppress InsecureRequestWarning

response = session.get('')

Pros: Scoped to a session, won’t affect global settings.

Cons: Only applies to the session, potential misuse can lead to unsecure practices.


Disabling warnings in the Python requests module should be done with an understanding of potential implications. While it’s often safe in a controlled development setting, take care not to use these approaches in a production environment where ignoring SSL warnings can cause security risks. Choose the method that best fits with your application architecture and make an informed decision.