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Python: Sorting a list of user dicts by date of birth

Last updated: February 13, 2024


Sorting data is a foundation of many software applications, whether it’s ordering events, managing records, or generating reports in a specific sequence. Python, known for its ease of use and readability, offers various robust methods to sort collections, including lists of dictionaries. In this tutorial, we focus on a task that’s commonly encountered in real-world applications: sorting a list of user dictionaries by their date of birth (DOB).

Before diving into the code, it’s important to understand that dates can be tricky; their format can greatly affect how sorting algorithms interpret them. Python’s datetime module is particularly useful for handling and comparing dates, which is essential for our task. So, let’s explore step-by-step how to sort a list of user dictionaries by DOB in Python.

Prerequisite Knowledge

This tutorial assumes a basic understanding of Python, including data types, control structures, functions, and working with modules. Familiarity with dictionaries and the datetime module would be helpful but not mandatory, as we’ll cover the essentials.

Preparing the Data

Our first step is to set up our list of user dicts. Each dictionary represents a user with at least a name and a date of birth. The date of birth must be a string in a recognizable date format (e.g., ‘YYYY-MM-DD’). Here’s an example:

users = [
    {'name': 'Alice', 'dob': '1990-01-01'},
    {'name': 'Bob', 'dob': '1989-12-31'},
    {'name': 'Charlie', 'dob': '1991-05-15'}

Note the deliberately mixed order of DOBs to illustrate the sorting better.

Converting String Dates to datetime Objects

To sort by date accurately, we first need to convert the string representation of dates into datetime objects. This allows Python to comprehend the chronological order when sorting. The datetime.strptime() function is perfect for this task, where you specify the string format of your date. For our example, the format is ‘%Y-%m-%d‘:

from datetime import datetime

for user in users:
    user['dob'] = datetime.strptime(user['dob'], '%Y-%m-%d')

Note: It’s assumed that all dates in our dataset are correctly formatted. In a real-world scenario, you might need to validate or preprocess your data for inconsistencies.

Sorting the List

With the dates now as datetime objects, sorting the list becomes straightforward. Python’s sorted() function or the list.sort() method can be used, both of which allow a custom sorting key through the key argument. The sorting key is a function that takes an element from the list and returns a value to sort by. In our case, we want to sort by the ‘dob’ field of each dictionary. Here’s how:

users_sorted = sorted(users, key=lambda user: user['dob'])

Or, if you prefer sorting the list in place:

users.sort(key=lambda user: user['dob'])

And that’s it! You’ve now sorted the list of users by their date of birth.

Advanced Sorting

What if you want to sort the users by month and day only, ignoring the year? This is common when generating birthday lists or reminders. The solution involves a slight modification to our key function:

users.sort(key=lambda user: (user['dob'].month, user['dob'].day))

This changes the key to a tuple consisting of the month and day of the ‘dob’, which means the list will now be sorted first by month, then by day, effectively grouping users by their birthday.

Dealing with Errors and Inconsistencies

As mentioned earlier, real-world data might not be as clean or uniformly formatted as our example. Dates might come in different formats, or there could be missing or erroneous entries. Robust error handling and data validation are essential to preparing your data for sorting. For instance, using a try-except block when converting string dates to datetime objects:

for user in users:
        user['dob'] = datetime.strptime(user['dob'], '%Y-%m-%d')
    except ValueError:
        print(f"Error converting date for {user['name']}. Invalid date format.")

This will catch any conversion errors due to incorrect date formats, allowing you to handle or log them appropriately.


Sorting a list of dictionaries in Python by date of birth or any other date-related metric is a common but essential task in many applications. Using Python’s datetime objects and the sorted() function or list.sort() method with a custom key, you can easily order your data according to your specific requirements. Moreover, by handling potential errors and inconsistencies in your data, you can ensure your sorting logic is robust and reliable.

With these techniques in your Python toolkit, you’re well-equipped to manage and analyze date-sorted information, enhancing the functionality and user experience of your applications.

Next Article: Python: How to Loop Through a Range of Dates

Previous Article: Python datetime program: Countdown to an event day in the future

Series: Date and Time in Python


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