Python sqlite3 aggregation: SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, and MAX

Updated: February 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


SQLite, being an incredibly light yet powerful database management system, is an integral part of many applications. Python, with its sqlite3 module, allows easy interaction with SQLite databases, making data manipulation and analytics more seamless than ever. In this article, we’ll delve into how to leverage the sqlite3 module in Python to perform aggregation functions such as SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, and MAX on your data.

Setting up the Environment

First off, make sure you have Python installed on your machine. The sqlite3 module comes with Python, so there’s no need for additional installations. We will create an example database and table for our demonstrations.

import sqlite3

# Connect to the database (It will be created if it doesn't exist)
conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
c = conn.cursor()

# Create a table

 c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS expenses(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, amount DECIMAL)''')

Inserting Data

Once your environment is set up and your table is ready, it’s time to insert some data to work with.

# Insert data into the table
examples = [('Rent', 1200.50), ('Groceries', 300.25), ('Utilities', 150.75)]
for example in examples:
    c.execute('INSERT INTO expenses (name, amount) VALUES (?, ?)', example)

Basic Aggregations

Now that we have data in our table, let’s explore the basic aggregation functions provided by the SQL language that can be executed via the sqlite3 module in Python.


Counting the number of rows in the table:

c.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM expenses')
result = c.fetchone()
print('Total rows:', result[0])

2. SUM

Summing up the column values:

c.execute('SELECT SUM(amount) FROM expenses')
result = c.fetchone()
print('Total spent:', result[0])

3. AVG

Calculating the average value:

c.execute('SELECT AVG(amount) FROM expenses')
result = c.fetchone()
print('Average spending:', result[0])

4. MIN and MAX

Finding the minimum and maximum values:

c.execute('SELECT MIN(amount), MAX(amount) FROM expenses')
result = c.fetchone()
print('Least expensive item:', result[0], '\nMost expensive item:', result[1])

Group By and Having Clauses

To perform more sophisticated aggregations, we can categorize data using the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses.

Example: Monthly Expenses

Assuming each row now also has a ‘month’ column to distinguish expenses by month, we can aggregate data on a monthly basis.

# Assuming 'month' column addition
# Group by month and calculate the total and average spending per month

 c.execute('''SELECT month, SUM(amount), AVG(amount)
  FROM expenses
  GROUP BY month
  HAVING SUM(amount) > 500''')
results = c.fetchall()
for month, total, avg in results:
    print(f'Month: {month}, Total spent: {total}, Average spending: {avg}')

Advanced Techniques

For more advanced data manipulation and analytics, one might use SQL functions and elements in combination with Python logic. This could involve nested queries, window functions, or using Python for post-SQL processing of the query results.


SQLite’s aggregation functions, when used with Python’s sqlite3 module, offer powerful tools for data analysis and management. Whether calculating simple statistics like totals and averages, grouping data for more nuanced insights, or even integrating Python and SQL for advanced analysis, the flexibility and efficiency of this combination are unparalleled in managing small to medium-sized datasets.