Python sqlite3 create_aggregate() method: Explanation with examples

Updated: February 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In this tutorial, we demystify the create_aggregate() method available in Python’s sqlite3 module, a powerful tool for extending SQLite’s SQL capabilities by defining custom aggregate functions. Aggregate functions in SQL perform a calculation on a set of values and return a single value. Commonly used SQL aggregate functions include COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, and AVG. By leveraging Python’s create_aggregate() method, you can devise your own aggregate functions that can be utilized directly within your SQL queries.

Understanding the basic setup and gradually moving on to more sophisticated applications, this article covers a broad range of examples elucidating how create_aggregate() can be employed to enhance data processing within a SQLite database, leveraging Python’s capabilities.


Before we dive into examples, ensure you’ve a basic understanding of Python and SQLite, and have the sqlite3 library available in your Python environment. The sqlite3 module is included with Python, so there’s no need for external installations if you’re using Python 2.5 or newer.

Getting Started with create_aggregate()

The first step in using the create_aggregate() method is to create a connection to your SQLite database. Once connected, you can define a custom aggregate function in Python, then register it with your database connection for use in SQL queries.

import sqlite3

# Connect to database (or create if doesn't exist)
conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')

cursor = conn.cursor()

Let’s begin with a basic example to illustrate the concept.

Example 1: Creating a Simple Aggregate Function

A simple yet practical example is calculating the average length of strings in a dataset. Let’s define a Python class that computes the average length of strings provided to it:

class AverageLength:
    def __init__(self):
        self.total_length = 0
        self.count = 0
    def step(self, value):
        self.total_length += len(value)
        self.count += 1

    def finalize(self):
        if self.count == 0:
            return None
        return self.total_length / self.count

# Register the aggregate function
conn.create_aggregate("avg_len", 1, AverageLength)

This class has two essential methods step and finalize. The step method is called for each input row, and the finalize method is called once after all rows have been processed.

After defining and registering the aggregate function, you can use it in your SQL queries as shown:

cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS texts (content TEXT)')
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO texts (content) VALUES ("Hello, World!")')
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO texts (content) VALUES ("Python sqlite3 module")')

cursor.execute('SELECT avg_len(content) FROM texts')
print(cursor.fetchone()[0])  # Output: 17.5

This demonstrates how to calculate the average length of the strings stored in the texts table, yielding an average length of 17.5 characters.

Advanced Example: Defining a Custom Aggregate for Geometric Mean

In more advanced scenarios, you may encounter the need to calculate geometric mean, which is not directly supported by SQLite. Here’s how you can implement it:

import math

class GeometricMean:
    def __init__(self):
        self.product = 1
        self.count = 0

    def step(self, value):
        self.product *= value
        self.count += 1

    def finalize(self):
        if self.count == 0:
            return None
        return math.pow(self.product, 1.0 / self.count)

conn.create_aggregate("geo_mean", 1, GeometricMean)

When you’ve registered your GeometricMean class with the database, it’s available for use in SQL statements. Here’s how you could use it:

cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS numbers (value INTEGER)')
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO numbers (value) VALUES (10)')
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO numbers (value) VALUES (100)')
cursor.execute('SELECT geo_mean(value) FROM numbers')
print(cursor.fetchone()[0])  # Output: 31.622776601683793

This calculates the geometric mean of values in the numbers table, demonstrating the versatility of custom aggregates in processing data with SQL queries.


The create_aggregate() method in Python’s sqlite3 module is a powerful feature that allows for the definition and use of custom aggregate functions within SQLite databases. By exploring basic to advanced examples, we showcased how custom aggregate functions can be implemented and utilized to extend the capabilities of SQL queries. This functionality enhances SQLite’s versatility for data analysis and manipulation, making it an invaluable tool for Python developers dealing with database operations.