Python sqlite3 error: String or BLOB exceeds size limit

Updated: February 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The sqlite3 module in Python is a straightforward way to interact with SQLite databases. However, when working with large datasets, developers might encounter the error: String or BLOB exceeds size limit. This error message can be frustrating, but it’s solvable through several approaches.

Understanding the Causes

This error occurs when the size of the data you’re trying to insert into a SQLite column exceeds SQLite’s maximum length. SQLite’s default maximum size for any string or BLOB (Binary Large OBject) is 1 billion bytes (1 GB). However, depending on how SQLite is configured in your system or how your Python environment is set up, this threshold might be lower.

Solution 1: Increase SQLite Max Length

Increase SQLite’s maximum BLOB size by adjusting its limits via the sqlite3 module. This approach requires you to execute SQL commands to redefine the limits.

Steps to Implement

  1. Import sqlite3.
  2. Open a connection to your database.
  3. Execute a command to increase the maximum size.
  4. Commit changes and close the connection.

Code Example

import sqlite3

connection = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
c = connection.cursor()
c.execute('PRAGMA max_page_count = 2147483646')


  • Direct and effective way to allow larger blobs.
  • Increases the database file size, might cause performance issues for very large databases.
  • The maximum database size cannot exceed 140 TB.

Solution 2: Compress Data Before Insertion

Another way to avoid this error is by compressing large strings or BLOBS before insertion. This method is especially useful when you can’t or don’t want to change the SQLite configuration.

Steps to Implement

  1. Choose a compression library (e.g., gzip in Python).
  2. Compress data before inserting it into the database.
  3. Decompress data after retrieval for use.

Code Example

import sqlite3
import gzip

connection = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
def compress_data(input_data):
    return gzip.compress(input_data.encode())

def decompress_data(input_data):
    return gzip.decompress(input_data).decode()

# Example usage
original_data = 'A' * 10000000  # 10MB of data
c = connection.cursor()
c.execute('INSERT INTO test (data) VALUES (?)', (compress_data(original_data),))


  • Efficiently stores large data without changing database configuration.
  • Adds overhead of compression and decompression.
  • May not be suitable for all data types, especially those already compressed.