Python sqlite3: How to remove duplicates from a table

Updated: February 12, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with databases often involves handling duplicate records. Whether you’re collecting data from APIs, user inputs, or other databases, duplicates can sneak into your tables, complicating analytics and reporting. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to remove duplicates from a table using Python’s sqlite3 module. This approach is practical for data cleaning tasks in small to medium-sized databases.

Understanding Duplicates in sqlite3

First, let’s define what constitutes a duplicate in the context of a database table. A duplicate record is an entry that, fully or partially, shares its data with another record within the same table. For our purposes, we’ll focus on entirely duplicate rows, where every field value in one row is identical to those in another.

Preparing Data

Before diving into the code examples, ensure you have Python and SQLite installed on your system. You can check your Python version by running python --version in your command line. SQLite comes bundled with Python, thanks to the sqlite3 module, making setup hassle-free for most users.

Create a sample SQLite database and table with some duplicates for practice:

import sqlite3

# Create a new SQLite database
conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
c = conn.cursor()

# Create a table
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS records
             (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, age INTEGER, email TEXT)''')

# Insert sample data with duplicates
sample_data = [('John Doe', 25, '[email protected]'),
               ('Jane Smith', 30, '[email protected]'),
               ('John Doe', 25, '[email protected]')]
for row in sample_data:
    c.execute('INSERT INTO records (name, age, email) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', row)


Identifying Duplicates

To tackle duplicates, let’s first identify them. SQLite provides several ways to find duplicates, often utilizing the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses:

# Identify duplicates
SELECT name, age, email, COUNT(*)
FROM records
GROUP BY name, age, email

This query returns records that have duplicates in the name, age, and email fields.

Removing Duplicates

Once duplicates are identified, the next step is to remove them. There are multiple strategies to eliminate duplicates. One common approach is to create a new table with no duplicates, then replace the original table.

# Remove duplicates by creating a new table

CREATE TABLE records_no_dup AS

DROP TABLE records;

ALTER TABLE records_no_dup RENAME TO records;


This method ensures you don’t lose any unique rows during the deduplication process. However, it requires enough storage space to temporarily hold two copies of your data.

Alternative Method: Deleting Duplicates Directly

If storage space is a concern, you can directly delete duplicates within the same table. This method is more complex and requires careful consideration to avoid accidentally deleting non-duplicate rows.

# Example: Delete duplicates except the first entry
WHERE rowid NOT IN (
    SELECT MIN(rowid)
    FROM records
    GROUP BY name, age, email

This SQL statement deletes all records that are duplicates except for the one with the smallest rowid (SQLite’s automatic row identifier), thus preserving at least one instance of each duplicate set.


In conclusion, while duplicates in your SQLite database can be a hurdle, Python’s sqlite3 module offers effective strategies to clean up your data. Whether you choose to create a new no-duplicate table or directly delete duplicates, these approaches can streamline your database management practices. Practice the techniques outlined in this tutorial with your datasets to ensure your database remains clean and efficient.