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Python sqlite3.IntegrityError: Foreign key check failed

Last updated: February 06, 2024

The Problem

Experiencing an sqlite3.IntegrityError: Foreign key check failed error can be distressing. This error typically arises when a constraint violation occurs regarding the foreign key relationship in your SQLite database. It often means that your application tried to insert a row into a table that requires a valid reference to a row in another table, but no valid reference was found.

Understanding the Error

A Foreign Key in a database is a column or a combination of columns used to establish and enforce a link between the data in two tables. The error sqlite3.IntegrityError: Foreign key check failed indicates that this link has been breached. The reasons for this error can vary but generally include trying to insert a record which refers to a non-existent record in the referenced table, or removing/updating a record in the referenced table without properly handling the related records.

Solution 1: Enable Foreign Keys

One common reason for this error is that by default, SQLite does not enforce foreign key constraints. Enabling it manually can solve these kinds of errors.

  1. Connect to your SQLite database.
  2. Execute the statement: PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON;.
  3. Continue with your transactions or operations as usual.

Code Example:

import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('mydatabase.db')
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON;")

Notes: Remember that you need to execute this statement every time you connect to the database. While this method ensures integrity across your foreign key relationships, it requires you to manage the enforcement manually and consistently.

Solution 2: Verify Referenced Data Before Insertion

Another approach is to preemptively check the existence of the referenced record before attempting to insert a new record.

  1. Check if the referenced row exists in the foreign table.
  2. If it doesn’t exist, either insert the referenced row first or handle the error in application logic.
  3. Insert the new record only if the referenced data exists.

Code Example:

import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('mydatabase.db')
cur = conn.cursor()

referenced_id = 1

# Check if the referenced row exists
cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM referenced_table WHERE id=?", (referenced_id,))
exist = cur.fetchone()[0] > 0

if exist:
    # Safe to insert
    cur.execute("INSERT INTO main_table(column_name) VALUES(?)", (referenced_id,))
    print("Referenced ID does not exist.")

Notes: This method reduces the likelihood of encountering an sqlite3.IntegrityError, but it adds overhead to your application’s database operations. Also, it requires careful handling and logic in your application code to manage the existence of referenced data properly.

Solution 3: Proper Cascading

Configuring your foreign key relationships to automatically handle updates and deletions with cascading can mitigate integrity errors.

  1. Define your foreign keys with cascading actions during table creation.
  2. Choose between ON DELETE CASCADE and/or ON UPDATE CASCADE based on your needs.

Code Example:

CREATE TABLE main_table(
    referenced_id INTEGER,

Notes: Cascading actions simplify relationship management but require careful planning during database schema design. They automatically handle related records but remove the manual control over individual delete/update operations, which might not be desirable in all situations.

Next Article: Python sqlite3.NotSupportedError: Causes & Solutions

Previous Article: Python sqlite3.OperationError: Transaction failed

Series: Data Persistence in Python – Tutorials & Examples


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