Python sqlite3: Selecting/Counting Distinct Rows

Updated: February 12, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with databases in Python, especially for data analysis, manipulating, and understanding your data is fundamental. The sqlite3 library included with Python provides a lightweight disk-based database, which doesn’t require a separate server process. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to use sqlite3 for selecting and counting distinct rows within a SQLite database, a necessary technique for data cleaning, analysis, and reporting.

Setting up Your Environment

Before diving into selecting and counting distinct rows, ensure your Python environment is set up. If you haven’t already, download and install Python from the official website. The sqlite3 module is part of the Python Standard Library and requires no further installation. Here’s a simple way to check if sqlite3 is available in your Python environment:

import sqlite3

This code prints the version of sqlite3 library, showing it’s correctly installed.

Creating a Simple Database

To demonstrate selecting and counting unique rows, let’s create a simple database and populate it with sample data. We’ll create a database named ‘sample.db’ and a table named ‘people’ to store names and ages:

import sqlite3

# Connect to SQLite database (or create if it doesn't exist)
conn = sqlite3.connect('sample.db')
cursor = conn.cursor()

# Create new table
create_table_query = '''

# Insert sample data
sample_data = [('John Doe', 30), ('Jane Doe', 25), ('Jim Beam', 30)]
for person in sample_data:
    cursor.execute('INSERT INTO people(name, age) VALUES (?,?)', person)


This script creates a database, defines a table, and inserts three records. Always remember to close the connection to your database after your operations with conn.close().

Selecting Distinct Rows

To select distinct rows, meaning to retrieve unique records by removing duplicates from a dataset, you can use the DISTINCT keyword in your SQL query. Let’s say we want to find unique ages in our ‘people’ table:

select_distinct_query = 'SELECT DISTINCT age FROM people'
for row in cursor.execute(select_distinct_query):

This query will output each unique age present in the ‘people’ table, effectively removing any duplicates.

Counting Distinct Rows

Counting distinct rows can be extremely useful for data analysis, helping you understand the diversity of your data. To count the number of distinct ages, you can use the following query:

count_distinct_query = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT age) FROM people'
result = cursor.fetchone()
print('Number of distinct ages:', result[0])

This query returns the count of distinct ages in the ‘people’ table, offering a quick insight into how varied the data might be.

Using Group By with Count Distinct

In some cases, you might want to count distinct values within subsets of your data. This can be achieved by combining the COUNT(DISTINCT...) clause with a GROUP BY statement. Let’s look at how you can count the number of distinct names for each age:

group_by_query = 'SELECT age, COUNT(DISTINCT name) FROM people GROUP BY age'
for row in cursor.execute(group_by_query):
    print(f'Age: {row[0]}, Distinct Names: {row[1]}')

This query groups the data by age and then counts the number of distinct names within each age group, providing a more granular view of the data.

Handling Exceptions

While interacting with a database, it’s wise to be prepared for potential errors. The sqlite3 library can raise exceptions for operational errors, like attempting to insert duplicate keys or violating database constraints. Always handle exceptions by wrapping your database operations in a try-except block:

    # Your database operation
except sqlite3.OperationalError as e:
    print("Encountered a database error:", e)

This approach ensures that the database connection is safely closed, even if an error occurs.


Selecting and counting distinct rows in a SQLite database using the Python sqlite3 library is a powerful technique for data analysis and reporting. This tutorial has shown how to create a database, perform select and count operations on distinct data, and properly handle exceptions. With these skills, you’re well-equipped to delve deeper into the world of data analysis and database management with Python and sqlite3.