Python sqlite3: Understanding create_function() method (with examples)

Updated: February 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


SQLite is a C library that implements a small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL database engine. Python’s sqlite3 module allows you to interact with SQLite databases using a Pythonic interface, making it easier to store and manipulate data. One powerful feature of the sqlite3 module is the create_function() method, which lets you create custom SQL functions using Python code. This tutorial will guide you through understanding and using the create_function() method with practical examples.

Getting Started

Before we dive into the create_function() method, let’s quickly review how to work with SQLite databases in Python. The sqlite3 module allows you to connect to databases, execute SQL queries, and manage your data. Here’s a simple example of opening a database connection and creating a table:

import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS books
               (title TEXT, author TEXT, year INT)''')

Understanding create_function()

The create_function() method allows you to extend SQLite by adding custom functions written in Python. These functions can then be used directly in SQL queries, enabling complex operations that are not supported natively by SQL. This can dramatically enhance the capability of your database applications.

To use create_function(), you first define a Python function that takes as its arguments the input you expect from the SQL query. You then register this function with your database connection using create_function(). Finally, you can call your custom function in any SQL statement.

Basic Example: Python Function as SQL Function

Begin by defining a simple Python function:

def multiply(x, y):
    return x * y

conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
cur = conn.cursor()

conn.create_function("MULTIPLY", 2, multiply)

# Use the custom function in an SQL query
cur.execute("SELECT MULTIPLY(2, 3)")
print(cur.fetchone()[0])  # Outputs: 6


In the example above, we defined a Python function multiply that takes two arguments. We registered this function with our SQLite database connection as MULTIPLY, specifying that it takes two arguments. Then, we used it in an SQL query exactly as we would use a native SQL function, and it successfully multiplied the numbers 2 and 3.

Advanced Use: Text Processing Function

Next, let’s look at a more complex example where we use a Python function to process text within an SQL query.

def concatenate(str1, str2, sep):
    return f"{str1}{sep}{str2}"

conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
cur = conn.cursor()

conn.create_function("CONCATENATE", 3, concatenate)

cur.execute("SELECT CONCATENATE('Hello', 'World', ', ') FROM dual")
print(cur.fetchone()[0])  # Outputs: Hello, World


Here, we’ve defined a function concatenate that takes three arguments and concatenates the first two arguments with the third argument as a separator. Registering and using this function in SQL queries allows for dynamic text manipulation directly within the database layer, showcasing the power and flexibility of create_function().

Real-World Example: Custom Aggregation

SQLite supports native aggregation functions like SUM() and COUNT(), but what if you need to implement custom aggregation logic? Here’s how you can use create_function() to solve a real-world problem:

def custom_avg(values):
    # Calculate the average in a custom way
    return sum(values) / len(values)

# This would require a bit more setup with sqlite3, demonstrating an advanced use case

conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
cur = conn.cursor()

# Assuming custom_avg is implemented correctly
conn.create_function("CUSTOM_AVG", 1, custom_avg)

# Use the custom aggregation function
# Note: Actual implementation would differ since this is a hypothetical example

This hypothetical scenario illustrates how create_function() can be employed for custom aggregation, providing powerful extensions to SQL capabilities in a way that is seamlessly integrated with Python coding practices.


The create_function() method is a powerful tool in the sqlite3 module’s arsenal, allowing you to seamlessly integrate Python functions into your SQL queries. This not only extends the functionality of SQLite itself but also enables more fluent, intuitive data handling and manipulation within a Python-centric development environment. By combining Python’s versatility with SQLite’s efficiency via the create_function() method, you can create robust, sophisticated database applications that cater to a wide range of data processing needs.