Python sqlite3 warning: ‘You can only execute one statement at a time’

Updated: February 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


This error typically occurs when using the sqlite3 module in Python to interact with a SQLite database. It means that the execution method you’ve used is attempting to run multiple SQL statements in one go, which is not supported by sqlite3’s default execution methods. This tutorial explores the reasons behind this warning and provides several solutions to avoid it.

Common Causes

  • Using semicolons to separate multiple SQL statements in a single string passed to execute() or executescript().
  • Incorrectly formatted SQL queries that are interpreted as containing more than one statement.

Understanding the execute() Method

The execute() method in sqlite3 is designed to execute a single SQL statement. This method will throw an error if it detects more than one statement split by semicolons.

Solution 1: Use executescript() for Multiple Statements

The executescript() method allows for the execution of multiple SQL statements. It’s a suitable workaround when you need to run several statements in one operation.

  1. Prepare your sequence of SQL statements, separating them with semicolons.
  2. Use the executescript() method instead of execute() to run your statements.
import sqlite3

# Connect to database
conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')

# Prepare SQL script
sql_script = """
INSERT INTO users (username) VALUES ('John Doe');

# Execute script

# Commit and close

Notes: This method allows multiple statements but lacks the granularity of error handling and specific result set retrieval for each statement. Use with caution for complex scripts.

Solution 2: Separate Statements and loop execution

Manually splitting your SQL statements and executing them in a loop provides better control over each statement. It’s beneficial for handling errors and retrieving results on a per-statement basis.

  1. Split your SQL script into a list of statements.
  2. Iterate over the list, executing each statement individually with execute().
import sqlite3

# Connect to database
conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
# Split statements
statements = [
    "CREATE TABLE users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, username TEXT);",
    "INSERT INTO users (username) VALUES ('John Doe');"

# Execute each statement
for statement in statements:

# Commit and close

Notes: This method provides better error handling and result management but can be more cumbersome for large numbers of statements. It’s a trade-off between control and convenience.

Solution 3: Use External SQL Script Files

Storing your SQL statements in an external file and reading them for execution can help organize complex scripts and is particularly useful for larger projects.

  1. Create an SQL script file with your statements separated by semicolons.
  2. Read the file content into a Python string.
  3. Use executescript() to execute the content.
import sqlite3

# Connect to database
conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')

# Read SQL script from file
with open('script.sql', 'r') as file:
    sql_script =

# Execute script

# Commit and close

Notes: This method simplifies managing long or complex SQL scripts but requires maintaining SQL files separate from your Python code. It also still faces the limitations of the executescript() for error handling and result retrieval.