Query on Nested Documents in MongoDB: A Practical Guide

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In the world of NoSQL databases, MongoDB stands out with its ability to handle large volumes of unstructured data through its flexible schema design. One of the features that MongoDB supports is nested documents or ‘subdocuments’, which allows a document to contain another document as a value for a field. This flexibility can yield complex queries when trying to retrieve or manipulate nested documents. In this tutorial, you will learn how to query nested documents in MongoDB effectively.

Getting Started with MongoDB Nested Documents

MongoDB allows you to store documents within other documents, known as embedded documents. These documents can be queried in several different ways. Before diving into querying nested documents, let’s set up a simple MongoDB collection that contains nested structures.

   name: 'John Doe',
   contacts: { email: '[email protected]', phone: '123-456-7890' },
   address: {
      street: '123 Main St',
      city: 'Anytown',
      state: 'TX',
      zip: '12345'

As seen in the document above, both `contacts` and `address` are subdocuments with their own fields.

Basic Queries on Subdocuments

To query a field within a subdocument, you need to use dot notation. This makes it possible to address fields within the subdocument without having to retrieve the entire parent document.

db.users.find({ 'address.city': 'Anytown' })

The output will be the full document with `name` ‘John Doe’ because the `city` within `address` is ‘Anytown’.

Querying Using `$elemMatch` on Arrays

If you have an array of subdocuments and you want to query for an entire subdocument within an array, you can use `$elemMatch`. This returns documents where at least one subdocument in the array matches the specified query criteria.

   orderNumber: 1,
   items: [
      { itemId: 'a123', quantity: 2 },
      { itemId: 'b234', quantity: 5 }

db.orders.find({ 'items': { $elemMatch: { 'itemId': 'a123' } } })

The output will be the order with `orderNumber` ‘1’ as it contains an item with `itemId` ‘a123’.

Complex Queries on Subdocuments

For more complex scenarios, such as when you want to match more than one field within a nested document or when the criterias are non-trivial, MongoDB provides operators like `$and`, `$or`, and comparisons like `$gt`, `$lt`, and so on. For example:

   'address.state': 'TX',
   'address.zip': { $gt: '12300' }

This query retrieves documents where the state is ‘TX’ and the zip code is greater than ‘12300’.

Updating Nested Documents

When you need to update fields within nested documents, MongoDB’s dot notation comes to the rescue again. You can use `update` methods such as `updateOne()` or `updateMany()` combined with the `$set` operator:

   { name: 'John Doe' },
   { $set: { 'address.zip': '54321' } }

This modification changes John Doe’s zip code to ‘54321’.

Projection in Nested Documents

Sometimes you might want to retrieve only a few fields from a deeply nested structure. The projection parameter in the find method allows to specify the fields you want to include or exclude from the results:

db.users.find({}, { 'address.city': 1, 'address.state': 1 })

This will output the `city` and `state` of users’ addresses without fetching the entire address subdocument.

Advanced Query Patterns

Depending on the complexity of the data, you might need to employ more advanced techniques such as using the aggregation framework which allows for operations like `$match`, `$project`, `$unwind`, and `$group` to manipulate and transform the documents suitively-suit for various complex query requirements.

An example of an aggregation that unwinds an array of subdocuments and projects specific fields would look like this:

   { $unwind: '$items' },
   { $match: { 'items.itemId': 'b234' } },
   { $project: { orderNumber: 1, 'items.quantity': 1 } }

This aggregation pipeline will return the `orderNumber` and the `quantity` of items where `itemId` is ‘b234’.

Dealing with Indexes on Nested Fields

It is important to note that, just like with top-level fields, indexing can greatly improve the performance of queries on nested documents. You can create an index on a subdocument’s field like so:

db.users.createIndex({ 'address.zip': 1 })

With this index in place, every read operation that filters by the zip code within the `address` subdocument is going to perform faster.


Querying nested documents in MongoDB offers a powerful yet flexible way to handle related data without the constraints of a fixed schema. The use of dot notation, array operators like `$elemMatch`, and the aggregation framework are essential tools in the MongoDB query arsenal. By mastering these concepts, you can leverage MongoDB’s full potential to both query and manipulate even the most intricate data structures.