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Reduce Payload Size with Compression Streams in JavaScript

Last updated: December 12, 2024

Efficient data transfer over the internet is crucial for enhancing the performance of web applications. One effective way to minimize data transfer sizes is through data compression. JavaScript provides a powerful API called Compression Streams that developers can utilize to compress and decompress data streams, reducing bandwidth usage and speeding up web application data transfers. This article guides you through the process of using Compression Streams in JavaScript.

Understanding Compression Streams

Compression Streams are part of the Web Streams API, which allow the manipulation of streams of data. They enable developers to transform streams into compressed formats like gzip, deflate, and brottli, which are extensively used over the web.

Why Use Compression?

  • Reduce Payload Size: By compressing data, you can significantly reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred over networks.
  • Increase Speed: Smaller data sizes translate to quicker transfer and loading times, enhancing user experience.
  • Save Bandwidth: Compressed data takes up less bandwidth, making it a cost-effective solution for both users and service providers.

Basic Example of Compression Streams

Let’s dive into a simple example of using Compression Streams to compress data. Consider we have a large JSON object that we want to compress before sending it over the network.

const data = JSON.stringify({ largeArray: Array(1000).fill('JavaScript') });

// Create a ReadableStream for the data
const readableStream = new ReadableStream({
  start(controller) {
    controller.enqueue(new TextEncoder().encode(data));

// Create gzip CompressionStream
const gzipStream = new CompressionStream('gzip');
const compressedStream = readableStream.pipeThrough(gzipStream);

// Read the compressed data
const reader = compressedStream.getReader();
async function readCompressedData() {
  let compressedData = '';
  while (true) {
    const { done, value } = await;
    if (done) break;
    compressedData += value;
  return compressedData;

readCompressedData().then(compressedData => {
  console.log('Compressed data:', compressedData);

Decompression with Decompression Streams

Just as important as compression is, decompression is necessary for users receiving compressed data. Let's take the compressed data and decompress it back to its original form.

// Assuming compressedData received as ArrayBuffer
async function decompressData(compressedData) {
  const decompressedStream = compressedData.pipeThrough(new CompressionStream('decompress'));
  const reader = decompressedStream.getReader();
  let decompressedData = '';
  while (true) {
    const { done, value } = await;
    if (done) break;
    decompressedData += new TextDecoder().decode(value);
  console.log('Decompressed data:', decompressedData);

Integrating Compression Streams

The integration of Compression Streams API in web applications facilitates seamless data compression before transmission, reducing latency. This API can elegantly fit into existing architecture of data transmission and processing.

Use Cases

  • API Communication: Compress API responses and requests to boost efficiency in data-driven applications.
  • Static Assets Delivery: Enhance the delivery speed of large files, scripts, and images.
  • Database Synchronization: Compress data during real-time synching between servers and clients.

These examples demonstrate that using Compression Streams in JavaScript is a powerful way to optimize web applications, especially in high-traffic environments. As more browsers adopt support for compression APIs, developers can expect even greater opportunities for optimization.

Next Article: Combine Fetch and Compression in JavaScript

Previous Article: Apply Gzip Compression Using the Compression Streams API in JavaScript

Series: Web APIs – JavaScript Tutorials


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