Resolving ConnectionError Exception in Python’s Requests Module

Updated: January 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with Python’s Requests module, a common exception you may encounter is the ConnectionError. This error typically occurs when a request to a server cannot be completed, which can happen for a variety of reasons. Understanding these reasons and knowing how to resolve them is critical for creating robust, fault-tolerant applications.


Solution 1: Check Internet Connectivity

The most foundational check when facing a ConnectionError is to ensure that your internet connection is active and stable. An intermittent or non-existent connection is often the culprit behind this error.

  1. Verify that your computer has an active internet connection.
  2. Try accessing the target URL or any other website through a web browser to confirm the internet is working.
  3. If the internet is not working, troubleshoot your network connection or contact your ISP.

Code Example: No code is needed for this solution as it involves troubleshooting your internet connection outside of your Python environment.

Pros: Simple step that confirms whether the issue spans beyond your code.

Cons: Doesn’t address issues within the application itself.

Solution 2: Validate the Request URL

A ConnectionError can also occur if the requested URL is incorrect or the target server doesn’t exist. Validating the URL is an essential step before attempting to make any HTTP requests.

  1. Check the URL you are requesting to ensure it is correctly formatted and is the correct endpoint.
  2. Verify that the server you are trying to reach is up and running. Use services like Down for Everyone or Just Me or Is It Up to check server status.
  3. Read the documentation for the API or web service you’re using to ensure you have the correct endpoint and parameters.

Code Example: No specific code example is necessary for this step as it involves manually inspecting the requested URL and server status.

Pros: Prevents the error that might occur due to a simple typo or incorrect endpoint.

Cons: Relays on manual checking which might be error-prone.

Solution 3: Increase Request Timeout

Sometimes a ConnectionError could be due to a timeout problem. Increasing the request timeout might solve the issue if the server is expected to respond slowly.

  1. Set the timeout parameter in the requests’ functions to a higher value.
  2. Measure an appropriate timeout threshold based on the network speed and server response time.
  3. Make sure the timeout is not set too high, as it may delay the detection of a real connection problem.

Code Example:

import requests

url = ""
    response = requests.get(url, timeout=10) # Increase timeout to 10 seconds
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err:
    print(f"Connection failed: {err}")

Pros: Can resolve issues with slow servers.

Cons: May delay error recognition when there is a genuine connection issue.

Solution 4: Configure Proxy Settings

If you’re behind a proxy, it might block your requests by default. Configuring the proxy settings in your code can bypass this blockage:

  1. Find out the proxy settings for your network.
  2. Configure the proxies parameter in the requests function to use your network’s proxy.

Code Example:

import requests

url = ""
proxies = {
    "http": "",
    "https": "",
    response = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err:
    print(f"Connection failed: {err}")

Pros: Essential for sending requests from within a network that uses a proxy.

Cons: Requires knowledge of proxy settings which may not be readily available.

Solution 5: Update Requests Module

An outdated version of the requests module may have bugs or lack features which can lead to ConnectionError exceptions. Regularly updating the module can avoid these problems.

The steps:

  1. Update the requests module using pip install --upgrade requests.
  2. After updating, try running your code again to see if the problem persists.

No specific code modification is necessary here—simply run the pip command in your terminal to update the requests module.

Pros: Keeps your module up to date with the latest fixes and features.

Cons: May lead to compatibility issues with other dependencies if not carefully managed.


Handling the ConnectionError exception properly ensures the robustness of your network application. Different causes require different solutions, so it is critical to apply the one appropriate to your situation. You can also use exception handling to gracefully manage any connection issues and maintain a smooth user experience.