Resolving PostgreSQL Deadlock Detected Error: Causes and Solutions

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with databases, deadlocks are a classic problem that can lead to significant issues in multi-threaded or multi-process applications. A deadlock occurs when two or more transactions are waiting for each other to release locks, preventing them from proceeding and eventually resulting in an error. In PostgreSQL, this scenario triggers the ‘Deadlock Detected’ error. Understanding the reasons behind such errors and how to resolve them is crucial for maintaining the integrity and performance of your database systems.

Common reasons for deadlock errors:

  • Concurrent transactions are trying to lock multiple tables in different orders.
  • There are uncommitted transactions holding locks for a long time.
  • Excessive row-level locks are being taken out in a conflicting manner.
  • Application code is not handling transaction isolation appropriately, leading to potential deadlocks.

Solution 1: Analyze Logs and Queries

Upon encountering a deadlock, PostgreSQL writes detailed information into its log file. Analyzing the logs can help in identifying the conflicting transactions and the specific operations that caused the deadlock.

  1. Review the PostgreSQL logs to find deadlock-related entries.
  2. Identify the queries and tables involved in the deadlock.
  3. Check the execution order of the involved transactions.
  4. Adjust the code accordingly to ensure a consistent locking order in the application logic.

Pros: Precise identification of the deadlock cause.
Cons: Requires time and may not always lead to an immediate fix.

Solution 2: Use Proper Isolation Levels

PostgreSQL offers transaction isolation levels to control the visibility of changes in concurrent transactions. The Serializable isolation level can serialize transactions in such a way as to prevent deadlocks.

Set the isolation level of your transactions to Serializable where applicable:


Pros: Provides a high degree of consistency.
Cons: May lead to serialization failures and can reduce concurrency, thus impacting performance.

Solution 3: Optimize Database Access Patterns

By ensuring that all application transactions access database objects in the same order, you can eliminate a common cause of deadlocks.

  1. Analyze your code and identify different transactions that operate on the same tables.
  2. Refactor the transactions to lock the tables in the same order.
  3. Test the changes to ensure that the possibility of deadlocks is reduced.

Pros: Can significantly reduce deadlocks.
Cons: May require extensive changes in the application logic and thorough testing.

Solution 4: Avoid Long Transactions

Long transactions hold locks for an extended period, increasing the potential for deadlocks. Keeping transactions short and committing them as quickly as possible is a best practice.

  1. Review your application code and identify long transactions.
  2. Break down complex transactions into smaller ones, if possible.
  3. Commit transactions as soon as the necessary work is done.

This solution only requires changes in the application logic to optimize the duration of the transactions.

Pros: Reduces the time locks are held, lowering the risk of deadlock.
Cons: Might be challenging for complex transactions requiring atomic operations.


In conclusion, proper analysis and understanding of PostgreSQL’s concurrency model can help prevent deadlock situations. Implementing these solutions will help you address the ‘Deadlock Detected’ error effectively, leading to a smoother and more efficient database operation. Keep in mind that the best solution for deadlocks is often to prevent them from occurring in the first place by designing your system with concurrency considerations in mind.