PostgreSQL Error: ‘could not write to file ‘pg_subtrans/subtransaction_id’

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with PostgreSQL, encountering an error message suggesting that a file cannot be written to the directory pg_subtrans is not uncommon. This error typically indicates that there are issues within the PostgreSQL instance that are preventing the database from properly managing subtransactions, often related to file system permissions, disk space, or corruption within the PostgreSQL internal data structures.

Before seeing the solutions, let’s discover the potential causes:

  • Insufficient disk space
  • Permission issues on PostgreSQL data directories
  • Corruption of the transaction logs
  • File system errors

Solution 1: Check Disk Space Availability

One common cause of this error is insufficient disk space on the server’s partition where the PostgreSQL data directory resides. To fix this, verify the available disk space and clean up or expand storage if necessary.

Steps to Implement:

  1. Login to the server where PostgreSQL is hosted.
  2. Run the following command to check the available disk space: df -h
  3. If the disk is full, remove unnecessary files or extend the disk size following your hosting provider’s guidelines.

Performance Discussion: Freeing up disk space can prevent a host of issues beyond just the current error, improving the general performance and stability of the database system. However, disk resizing may result in downtime depending on the hosting environment.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Simple to perform, immediate resolution of the disk space issue.
  • Cons: Requires server access and may cause downtime.

Solution 2: Verify and Adjust Permissions

Incorrect permissions in PostgreSQL’s data directory can prevent the server process from writing to necessary files. Ensure that the PostgreSQL user has the correct ownership and permissions.

Steps to Implement:

  1. Identify the PostgreSQL data directory usually called PGDATA.
  2. Run the following commands to adjust permissions: chown -R postgres:postgres /path/to/PGDATA c000700hmod -R 700 /path/to/PGDATA

Performance Discussion: Permissions adjustments have no direct impact on performance but allow the database to operate without interruptions.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Resolves potential permissions issues with minimal impact on operations.
  • Cons: Requires admin access to the server.

Solution 3: Transaction Log Cleanup

Corrupt or bloated transaction logs can lead to subtransaction errors. PostgreSQL’s VACUUM functionality is designed to clean up these logs.

Steps to Implement:

  1. Connect to the PostgreSQL database using a tool like psql.
  2. Run the VACUUM command like this: VACUUM FULL;

Performance Discussion: The VACUUM command can significantly improve database performance by recovering disk space and making future transactions faster. However, running it may temporarily degrade performance while in process.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Reduces database bloat and can improve transaction performance.
  • Cons: Full vacuum may lock tables, causing downtime. Use with caution during off-peak hours.


In conclusion, when dealing with the PostgreSQL error: could not write to file ‘pg_subtrans/subtransaction_id’, it is essential to diagnose the issue by checking disk space, permissions, and transaction log health. By following these solutions, database administrators can often remedy this issue and prevent future occurrences.