PostgreSQL Error – Fatal: role does not exist

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with PostgreSQL, a very common obstacle developers face is the Fatal: role does not exist error. This can be a blocker in both development and production environments. Understanding the causes and exploring the solutions could save considerable time and reduce frustration.

Causes of the Error

This error often arises when the role (or the user) specified to connect to the PostgreSQL server does not exist in the database cluster you’re attempting to connect to. This issue could be due to several reasons including incorrect credentials, the absence of role creation, or misconfiguration of database connection settings.

Solution 1: Create the Missing Role

The first and foremost step is to create the missing role within PostgreSQL. More often than not, the error can be resolved by simply adding the expected role to the database.

  1. Access the PostgreSQL command line utility psql.
  2. Use the superuser role or a role with enough privileges to create new roles.
  3. Create the missing role with the expected name.

Here’s the query to creat a role called myrole:


This operation should be instantaneous and not affect performance. However, managing roles efficiently is critical in a production environment for maintaining security and performance.

Advantages: Resolves the missing role error directly.

Disadvantages: It requires manual intervention and having the necessary privileges.

Solution 2: Correcting the Connection String

The issue might not be with the existence of the role but rather with the connection string supplied in your application or configuration file that contains database credentials.

  1. Inspect the connection string in your application’s configuration.
  2. Ensure that the role name is correct.
  3. Correct the connection string if necessary.



Advantages: Corrects misconfiguration.

Disadvantages: May not apply if the configuration was already correct.


Addressing the Fatal: role does not exist error usually involves creating the missing role or correcting the connection string. Ensure configuration correctness and check for the existence of the role before troubleshooting further for other causes.