Resolving PostgreSQL Error: Index Contains Corrupted Page

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Encountering errors while working with databases can halt data operations and affect system availability. A particularly concerning error is when PostgreSQL reports a corrupted page within an index (identified by block numbers). Understanding the error’s causes, exploring solutions, and implementing them systematically can help restore database integrity and performance.

Common Causes

A few reasons why an index might contain a corrupted page are:

  • Hardware failures, such as bad disk sectors.
  • File system corruption.
  • Memory issues leading to corrupt data being written.
  • PostgreSQL bugs (though these are less common).
  • Unexpected power losses or system crashes during write operations.

Solution 1: Reindexing the Corrupted Index

Reindexing discards the old index and rebuilds it from scratch, resolving any issues with corrupted pages.


  1. Identify the corrupted index from the error log.
  2. Connect to your PostgreSQL database via psql or another PostgreSQL client.
  3. Run the REINDEX INDEX command for the specific corrupted index.


REINDEX INDEX your_corrupted_index_name;

Advantages: Simple to execute and often fixes index corruption.

Limitations: If the underlying issue is related to hardware, it may recur. The process to take longer for large indexes.

Solution 1: Run Full Database Validation

Running pg_dump and pg_restore can help validate all the data and indexes in your database.


  1. Dump the entire database to a file.
  2. Restore the database to a new cluster or database.
  3. Check if the issue persists, indicating wider corruption.


pg_dump mydatabase > mydatabase_dump.sql
pg_restore -d new_mydatabase mydatabase_dump.sql

Advantages: Ensures a thorough check of all the database’s data and objects.

Limitations: More time-consuming and rerquires extra database space. This solution potentially incurs downtime which might impact database availability.


Whether due to hardware malfunctions or other unforeseen circumstances, resolving corrupted index pages is crucial for database health and performance. Employing the discussed approaches enables PostgreSQL administrators to handle the issue effectively and restore normal operations.