Resolving the PostgreSQL Permission Denied Error

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Encountering a ‘Permission Denied’ error in PostgreSQL can bring your development to a halt. This error typically occurs due to insufficient privileges on a database or table, or inability to access a file on the file system because of the operating system’s permissions. In this article, we explore various reasons behind this error and provide solutions to fix it, ensuring smooth development with PostgreSQL.

Understanding Privileges in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL manages database access permissions using the concept of roles. Roles can own database objects and can assign privileges to these objects to other roles. Privileges must be properly set to perform operations such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or CONNECT on databases and tables.

Solution 1: Granting Proper Privileges

Problems with permissions can often be resolved by granting the necessary privileges to the user or role encountering the error.

  1. Identify which user is trying to access the resource and what operation they are attempting to perform.
  2. Determine if the user has the appropriate privileges.
  3. Connect to the PostgreSQL database as a superuser or as a user with adequate permissions to change role privileges.
  4. Grant the necessary privileges using the GRANT SQL command.



By granting the correct set of privileges, you ensure that the user can perform the intended database operations without encountering permission errors. There is no direct performance impact from granting permissions, but ensure not to grant more privileges than necessary for security reasons.

Pros: Tailored access to database objects can enforce the security principle of least privilege. It can be performed from within the database without needing to interact with the server’s operating system.

Cons: Requires careful management to avoid excessively permissive settings.

Solution 2: Correct File System Permissions

If the error is pertaining to a file operation, such as when trying to import data from a file, you may need to correct the file system permissions.

  1. Identify the file that is causing the ‘Permission Denied’ error.
  2. Verify that the PostgreSQL service user has read or write access to the file, depending on the operation.
  3. Change the file’s owner or modify its permissions so that the PostgreSQL service user can access it. Use the ‘chown’ or ‘chmod’ commands.


chmod 644 /path/to/your/file.csv
chown postgres:postgres /path/to/your/file.csv

It’s essential to ensure the security of your data, so modify the permissions carefully. Making a file too accessible could pose a security risk.

Pros: Allows the database to interact with the necessary external files without encountering permission issues. Can be essential for database restoration and backups.

Cons: If not done correctly, it could lead to security vulnerabilities.