How to Retrieve Kubernetes Cluster Name/ID from K8s API

Updated: January 31, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Kubernetes is a powerful container orchestration platform that allows users to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. When interacting with Kubernetes, you might need to retrieve the cluster name or ID programmatically. This can be particularly useful for dynamic deployments, logging, auditing, or when managing multiple clusters. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to fetch the cluster name or ID using the Kubernetes API with various code examples.


Before diving into the next section, make sure you have:

  • A working Kubernetes cluster
  • Kubectl installed and configured
  • Basic understanding of Kubernetes concepts
  • Access to the cluster’s API server

Getting Started

To begin with, let’s cover the most basic method to retrieve the Kubernetes cluster information from the API server. You must have kubectl configured with the correct context and permissions to carry out API requests.

Using kubectl to get the current context

kubectl config current-context



This command returns the name of the current context, which usually includes the name of the cluster. However, this doesn’t guarantee that the name shown is the exact ID of the cluster. To be more precise, you can decode your kubeconfig to extract the cluster name directly.

Decoding kubeconfig to determine the cluster name

grep 'cluster' ~/.kube/config | awk '/name/ {gsub(",""", ""); print $2}'



The above code snippet uses grep to find lines containing the word ‘cluster’ in your kubeconfig file and then awk to extract and print the name fields without quotation marks.

Advanced Methods

Going beyond basic commands, here are some advanced methods to get the cluster details using the Kubernetes API and client libraries.

Using Kubernetes Go Client

If you are writing Go applications or services that interact with your Kubernetes cluster, you can use the official Kubernetes Go client to retrieve the cluster name/ID. To achieve this, make sure to import the required packages:

import (

Next, load the kubeconfig to create a client:

config, err := clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags("", "~/.kube/config")
if err != nil {

clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)
if err != nil {

Then, you can attempt to get the cluster name via the API:

// Retrieving clusters information is not directly supported
// You would usually obtain other directly queryable attributes
println("Cluster Info:", ...)

Note that the Kubernetes API doesn’t have a direct endpoint for retrieving the cluster name or ID, as these concepts are accessible mainly through the kubeconfig or context information managed by kubectl. Thus with the Kubernetes Go client, you usually retrieve other types of data, such as nodes, pods, services etc.

Using Kubernetes Python Client

For Python developers, the Kubernetes Python client can help retrieve information from the cluster. Ensure you have the Kubernetes Python client installed:

pip install kubernetes

Here’s an example to configure the Python client with your kubeconfig file:

from kubernetes import client, config

v1 = client.CoreV1Api()

# Retrieving namespaces to ensure connectivity
print("Listing namespaces on the cluster:")
for ns in v1.list_namespace().items:

Similar to the Go client, the Python client here doesn’t allow pulling the cluster name/ID directly from the API; instead, it can interact with multiple API objects to perform various actions. Sometimes, people assume the cluster’s name by recognizing unique namespaces or other object labels/tags that correspond to a specific cluster.

Using Kubernetes REST API Directly

Another advanced method, often suited for administrators or DevOps engineers, is to leverage the Kubernetes REST API directly:

curl -s $(kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.clusters[?("your-current-context")].cluster.server}') --key ${HOME}/.kube/id_rsa --cert ${HOME}/.kube/id_rsa.crt --cacert ${HOME}/.kube/ca.crt

This curl command is an example of how you’d request the Kubernetes API server for resources by using certificates from your kubeconfig for authentication. Yet, as previously discussed, there’s no straightforward REST API for fetching the cluster name or ID.


Regardless of the method used, the Kubernetes cluster name or ID is an important piece of information for various operational and development tasks. However, it is not readily available through the API and is typically inferred from the context or configuration. Programmatically handling Kubernetes cluster information requires careful considerations, ensuring that you’re accessing the right context and permissions.