Route Caching in Laravel: A Complete Guide

Updated: January 15, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Caching in Laravel is one of the most effective strategies to accelerate your application and reduce the load on the server. Among the various types of caching in Laravel, route caching can significantly improve the performance of a Laravel application by speeding up the routing process. This guide will dive into the process of caching your routes in Laravel and using cache to your advantage.

Understanding Route Caching

Route caching is a mechanism that compiles and stores the bootstrapped route collection. Once cached, the application uses the cached routes file instead of the usual route loading process. This is especially useful in applications with a large number of routes or complex configurations.

Getting Started with Route Caching

To start using route caching, you need to ensure your Laravel application is properly set up and you have CLI access, as route caching commands are run in the console.

> php artisan route:cache

Running the php artisan route:cache command will generate a cached file of your routes. Once cached, this file is included on every request, speeding up your application.

Clearing the Cache

When making changes to your routes, it’s important to clear the cache so that the system recognizes your changes. Use the following command to clear the cached routes:

> php artisan route:clear

This command will delete the cached routes file, and the framework will begin using your route files again.

Checking for Cached Routes

To confirm if your routes are cached, you can run:

> php artisan route:list

This command lists all the registered routes and indicates if they are being loaded from the cache.

Advanced Route Caching Strategies

While route caching is simple to implement, it also has some considerations and advanced strategies that can help fine-tune performance.

Caching in Production

It’s a best practice only to use route caching in your production environment. During development, routes may change frequently, and having to clear and recache routes on each change can become tedious.

Conditional Route Caching

You can implement conditional caching using environmental checks. Here’s an example of how to cache routes only in production:

if (App::environment('production')) {
    // The "up" method to conditionally cache routes...

This can be included, for example, within an application deployment script.

Excluding Routes from Cache

Routes that use closures can’t be cached. In order to use route caching effectively, all routes must be pointed to a controller. In case you have a route that you do not wish to cache, or can’t be cached because of a closure, you need to refactor it to use a controller method.

Automated Clearing and Caching

To reduce the manual effort involved in clearing and re-caching routes after every change, you can automate this by writing a custom script or using deployment hooks in your continuous integration system. This way, whenever you push changes to the server, the routes are automatically cleared and re-cached.

However, you should be careful with automating this task to only trigger when necessary to avoid unnecessary cache clearing which could introduce temporary performance hits.

Common Pitfalls and Solutions

There are some common issues that you may encounter when working with route caching:

Route Serialization Errors

If your routes use closures or have objects that cannot be serialized, you’ll encounter errors when trying to cache your routes. This necessitates the economical use of route closures and ensuring that any route attributes can be serialized.

Dynamic Route Parameters

Using dynamic route parameter logic should be avoided in cached routes. Any route logic should be moved to controllers or middleware to ensure it can be cached.

Best Practices

Maximizing the benefits of route caching relies upon best concerning practices:

  • Regularly updating the route cache following route changes.
  • Avoiding closure routes and serializable objects in route definitions.
  • Integrating route cache commands into your deployment process.
  • Triggering cache clear safely to avoid any performance hit to users.
  • Testing routes after caching to ensure they work as expected.


In conclusion, route caching is a powerful feature of Laravel that can greatly enhance your application’s performance. By understanding and successfully implementing the strategies in this guide, you can ensure a smooth and efficient route handling process for production environments. Remember to always clear the cache after route changes and to test your routes thoroughly to prevent unexpected behavior.