How to Run Laravel in Debug/Development Mode

Updated: January 18, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Laravel, one of the most popular PHP frameworks, is widely admired for its elegance and developer-friendly environment. Running Laravel in debug or development mode is critical during the development process to troubleshoot issues effectively and streamline application development. This tutorial will guide you through enabling and using Laravel’s Debug mode effectively.


  • A Laravel application
  • Terminal access or SSH for remote servers
  • Code editor of your choice

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Environment Configuration

When you install Laravel, your project comes with a file named .env. This file contains key-value pairs for configuring your application. To enable debug mode, you must set the APP_DEBUG variable to true.


Besides APP_DEBUG, ensure the APP_ENV is set to local, indicating that you’re running the application in a local environment.


Step 2: Error and Exception Handling

In your App/Exceptions/Handler.php, the report and render methods dictate how exceptions are logged and displayed. Laravel traditionally handles this gracefully, but you can customize these as needed for development.

Step 3: Logging

Laravel enables extensive logging through the Monolog library. In your config files, you can specify different types of log channels.

Step 4: Debugging Tools

Laravel Telemetry and third-party packages like Laravel Debugbar can further enhance your debugging experience. Install them via Composer:

composer require barryvdh/laravel-debugbar --dev

Debugbar adds a developer toolbar ideal for monitoring queries, exception handling, and other crucial metrics during development.


Setting up Laravel for development and utilizing built-in and additional tooling provides a robust environment for building high-quality applications efficiently. Remember to turn off debugging features in production to protect sensitive information and maintain performance.