Schema Hierarchy in PostgreSQL: Explained

Updated: January 5, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding the schema hierarchy in PostgreSQL is key to effective database organization and access control. This tutorial will explore schemas from the basics to advanced usage, providing clear examples to solidify the concepts.

Defining Schemas in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, a schema is like a namespace that contains named database objects such as tables, views, indexes, data types, operators, and functions. Schemas play a crucial role in organizing data and managing access. By default, every new database in PostgreSQL comes with a public schema.

To create a new schema, use the CREATE SCHEMA command:


Once you’ve created your schema, you can create objects within it. For example, here’s how to create a table within the ‘myschema’ schema:

CREATE TABLE myschema.mytable (
    data TEXT

Understanding the Search Path

The search path in PostgreSQL is a list of schemas that the database checks when an object is referenced by a simple name without a qualifying schema. The default search path includes the public schema.

You can view your current search path with the following command:

SHOW search_path;

To set the search path so that PostgreSQL checks your own schema before the public schema, you can use the SET command:

SET search_path TO myschema, public;

Handling Schema Permissions

PostgreSQL allows you to control who can access the objects in a schema. You can grant and revoke permissions using GRANT and REVOKE commands.

To grant all privileges on a schema to a user:

GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA myschema TO myuser;

To revoke those privileges:

REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA myschema FROM myuser;

Schema Organization Strategies

Choosing an organization strategy is essential. One method is to use separate schemas for different environments, such as ‘development’, ‘testing’, and ‘production’. Other strategies involve splitting schemas by application module or by team.

Schemas can also be used for multi-tenancy, where each tenant’s data is isolated in a separate schema. This can be as simple as:

CREATE TABLE tenant1.users (
    name TEXT NOT NULL

Advanced Schema Use Cases

Beyond organization, schemas can be used to create domain-specific data types and aggregate functions, or to manage third-party extensions within your database. For example, you can create a custom type in your schema like this:

CREATE TYPE myschema.address AS (
    street TEXT,
    city TEXT,
    zip_code TEXT

And then use it in a table definition:

CREATE TABLE myschema.person (
    name TEXT NOT NULL,
    address myschema.address

Schema Use Best Practices

While schemas are powerful, they should be used thoughtfully. Avoid having too many schemas with few objects, as this can create unnecessary complexity. Incorporate schemas into your access control strategy effectively, and always consider the implications on the search path when referencing objects.

Managing Schemas Programmatically

You can interact with schemas programmatically using various PostgreSQL integrations, such as the psycopg2 library for Python. Automating schema generation and data migration can make it easier to handle complex schema hierarchies in large scale systems.

For example, an automated script in Python that creates a schema might look like:

import psycopg2

conn = psycopg2.connect(
    dbname='mydatabase', user='myuser',
    password='mypassword', host='localhost'
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute('CREATE SCHEMA newschema')


Migrating Objects Between Schemas

To organize existing data, you can migrate objects between schemas; a common task during refactoring or reorganizing databases. You can use the ALTER TABLE command to move a table between schemas:

ALTER TABLE public.mytable SET SCHEMA myschema;

Following similar steps, you can move other objects like sequences, views, and types between schemas.


Schemas are invaluable tools in PostgreSQL, providing the means to manage namespaces, control access, and organize data. Properly utilizing the schema hierarchy can lead to an efficient and maintainable database structure. As your knowledge of PostgreSQL deepens, you will uncover even more powerful ways to use schemas in your projects.