SciPy fft.set_global_backend() function (3 examples)

Updated: March 7, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The fft.set_global_backend() function in SciPy allows users to set a global FFT backend, empowering them to customize the library’s behavior according to their application’s specific computational needs. This tutorial explores the utilization of this function through practical examples.

Understanding FFT and Its Importance

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is a powerful mathematical tool that transforms a signal from its original domain (often time or space) into a representation in the frequency domain. FFT is pivotal in numerous applications ranging from digital signal processing to solving partial differential equations. The ability to switch between FFT backends in SciPy offers unparalleled flexibility, enabling users to optimize performance based on the nature of their data and the specific requirements of their computational environment.

Setting up Your Environment

Before diving into examples, ensure your Python environment is prepared by installing SciPy. If you haven’t done so, you can install it using pip:

pip install scipy

Example 1: Basic Usage

In our first example, we demonstrate how to set NumPy’s FFT module as the global backend:

from scipy.fft import set_global_backend
import numpy as np


This effectively tells SciPy to use NumPy’s FFT functions for subsequent FFT operations. This is particularly useful for leveraging NumPy’s efficient implementations in environments where SciPy’s default FFT backend may not be optimized.

Example 2: Leveraging PyFFTW for Improved Performance

In this second example, we illustrate the use of PyFFTW, a Python wrapper for the FFTW library, known for its high-performance FFT computations. First, install PyFFTW:

pip install pyfftw

Next, set PyFFTW as the global backend:

from scipy.fft import set_global_backend
import pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft as fftw


This configuration is ideal for applications requiring high computational speed, as FFTW significantly outperforms many alternative libraries in terms of efficiency.

Example 3: Creating a Custom Backend

The ultimate flexibility comes from creating and setting a custom FFT backend. This example demonstrates how one might define a custom backend that leverages GPU acceleration through CuPy:

import scipy.fft as spfft
import cupy as cp

class CuPyBackend:
    def fft(x):
        return cp.fft.fft(x)

    def ifft(x):
        return cp.fft.ifft(x)

# Set the custom backend

By implementing a class with static methods for FFT and inverse FFT (iFFT), this example taps into the power of GPU computation, offering substantial performance gains for suitable applications. Note, to use CuPy, ensure it’s installed (pip install cupy).


The fft.set_global_backend() function in SciPy enriches the library’s flexibility and adaptability, enabling users to tailor FFT computations to their unique requirements. Through the careful selection or creation of a backend, significant performance optimizations can be achieved, making SciPy an even more powerful tool for scientific computing. Whether you’re working with the built-in options or venturing into custom backend territory, understanding and utilizing this functionality will undoubtedly enhance your computational projects.