SciPy – Working with io.readsav() function (4 examples)

Updated: March 7, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

In this tutorial, we will explore how to use the io.readsav() function from SciPy, a powerful Python library used for scientific and technical computing. The readsav() function is particularly useful for those working with data stored in IDL (Interactive Data Language) .sav files. Python, being more versatile and open-source, is often a preferred choice for data analysis and handling, making readsav() an essential tool for crossing the bridge between IDL saved data and Python’s extensive analytical prowess.

We’ll walk through four examples, starting from basic implementations and progressing to more advanced use cases to provide you a comprehensive understanding of how to work with this function. Each example will be accompanied by code snippets and their corresponding outputs where applicable.


Before we dive into the examples, ensure you have SciPy installed in your workspace. If not, you can install it using pip:

pip install scipy

Example 1: Basic Use of io.readsav()

The most straightforward use of io.readsav() is to read a .sav file and load its contents into a Python dictionary:

from import readsav

# Replace 'your_file.sav' with the path to your file
result = readsav('your_file.sav')


This simple example demonstrates how to read data from a .sav file. Assuming that your_file.sav contains a variable named my_var, the output might look something like this:

{'my_var': array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])}

Example 2: Handling Arrays

IDL files often contain arrays that are crucial for the data analysis process. The readsav() function can efficiently load these arrays:

from import readsav

result = readsav('your_file_with_arrays.sav')

# Accessing the array
my_array = result['array_var']


In this example, assuming your_file_with_arrays.sav contains an array named array_var, you would see something similar to:

array([10, 20, 30, 40, 50])

Example 3: Working with Structures

IDL .sav files often include structures, akin to Python’s dictionaries but potentially more nested and complex. Handling these structures efficiently is another capability of the readsav() function:

from import readsav

result = readsav('your_file_with_structures.sav')

# Accessing a nested structure
employee_struct = result['employee_info']

# Assume 'employee_info' is a structured array with fields 'name', 'age', and 'department'
for employee in employee_struct:
    print(f"Name: {}, Age: {employee.age}, Department: {employee.department}")

This will output the individual fields for each employee stored within the .sav file, displaying structured information in a readable format.

Example 4: Advanced Usage – Merging Data from Multiple .sav Files

In more complex scenarios, you may need to work with data spread across multiple .sav files. Merging this data efficiently can be achieved by using readsav() in conjunction with other Python functions:

from import readsav
import numpy as np

files = ['first_file.sav', 'second_file.sav']

merged_data = {}

for file in files:
    data = readsav(file)
    for key in data.keys():
        if key not in merged_data:
            merged_data[key] = data[key]
            merged_data[key] = np.concatenate((merged_data[key], data[key]))


This example demonstrates how data from multiple sources can be handled together, putting into practice the flexibility Python offers for data manipulation.


The io.readsav() function in SciPy provides a seamless pathway for Python users to access and manipulate data stored in IDL’s .sav files. Through the above examples, we’ve seen how it can be utilized for simple data loading, handling complex arrays and structures, and even amalgamating data from multiple files. Understanding and applying these principles allows for efficient data analysis and broadens the horizons of scientific computing within Python.