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Semi-Supervised Classification with PyTorch: Leveraging Unlabeled Data

Last updated: December 14, 2024

Semi-supervised learning is a technique that combines a small amount of labeled data with a larger pool of unlabeled data during training. This approach is particularly useful when it's expensive or time-consuming to label data. In recent years, semi-supervised learning has gained popularity in different fields, including natural language processing, computer vision, and more. In this article, we will explore how to implement semi-supervised classification using PyTorch, a machine learning library that has become a favorite among researchers and practitioners.

Understanding Semi-Supervised Learning

The fundamental idea behind semi-supervised learning is to leverage unlabeled data alongside labeled data to improve the learning process. This is often achieved through techniques such as pseudo-labeling, consistency regularization, and self-training. The goal is to utilize the unlabeled examples to gain better understanding and generalization capability from the data, ultimately improving the model's performance on previously unseen data.

Setting Up PyTorch for Semi-Supervised Learning

Before diving into the code, you need to set up your environment with PyTorch. Ensure you have Python installed and you can create a virtual environment.

pip install torch torchvision

Dataset Preparation

Let's imagine a situation in which you're dealing with image data where labels are sparse. PyTorch supports datasets like CIFAR-10, which you can use to simulate semi-supervised learning. You can split your dataset into labeled and unlabeled subsets.

from torchvision import datasets
from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor

# Downloading and preparing the dataset
train_data = datasets.CIFAR10(root='./data', train=True, download=True, transform=ToTensor())

# Mock example of labeled and unlabeled splits
labeled_idx = range(1000)  # E.g., use 1000 labeled examples
unlabeled_idx = range(1000, len(train_data))
labeled_data =, labeled_idx)
unlabeled_data =, unlabeled_idx)

Building a Simple Model

For this example, we will build a simple convolutional neural network (CNN) using PyTorch's nn.Module. This network will be trained with both labeled and pseudo-labeled data.

import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class SimpleCNN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(SimpleCNN, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 32, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(32, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(64 * 8 * 8, 128)
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(128, 10)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = F.relu(self.conv1(x))
        x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2)
        x = F.relu(self.conv2(x))
        x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2)
        x = x.view(-1, 64 * 8 * 8)
        x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
        x = self.fc2(x)
        return x

Training with Pseudo-Labels

Pseudo-labeling is one of the semi-supervised techniques where the model assigns labels to the unlabeled data based on its predictions. These pseudo-labels are then used as if they were true labels to train the model along with the labeled dataset.

from import DataLoader
from torch.optim import Adam

labeled_loader = DataLoader(labeled_data, batch_size=32, shuffle=True)
unlabeled_loader = DataLoader(unlabeled_data, batch_size=32, shuffle=True)

model = SimpleCNN()
optimizer = Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001)

# Placeholder for pseudo-labeling logic and training procedure
for epoch in range(10):
    # Training on labeled data
    for inputs, targets in labeled_loader:
        outputs = model(inputs)
        loss = F.cross_entropy(outputs, targets)
    # Pseudo-labeling for unlabeled data
    with torch.no_grad():
        for inputs, _ in unlabeled_loader:
            pseudo_labels = model(inputs).max(1)[1]
            # Use pseudo-labels for further training
            # Extend your training logic here as per the framework

This code snippet initializes the model, loads the data in batches, and demonstrates a simplistic training loop where ground-truth labels are used for the labeled data. You would, in practice, refine the pseudo-labeling mechanism to ensure the model's accuracy and gradually increase the weight of pseudo-labeled data as you trust its learning.


Implementing semi-supervised learning using PyTorch can substantially increase your model's performance while keeping the labeling costs low. Techniques like pseudo-labeling allow models to iteratively learn from both labeled and unlabeled data, and PyTorch's flexible API helps execute such techniques efficiently. As you build more complex models and utilize more advanced techniques, you will be able to unlock the full potential of semi-supervised learning to solve practical problems in various domains.

Next Article: Optimizing Neural Network Classification in PyTorch with Mixed Precision Training

Previous Article: A Step-by-Step Tutorial on Fine-Tuning Classification Models in PyTorch

Series: PyTorch Neural Network Classification


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