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Sequelize.js: Exclude Password from Query Result

Last updated: December 29, 2023


In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to securely manage user data in Sequelize.js by excluding password information from query results. Exposing sensitive information such as passwords can lead to security vulnerabilities, and it’s a best practice to keep them hidden from client-side access. We’ll start with basic examples and gradually move on to more advanced techniques.

Understanding Attributes in Sequelize

Sequelize models have attributes that define the columns of the database. When querying, these attributes can be explicitly selected or excluded. It’s often necessary to exclude the password attribute from the result for enhanced security.

Basic Query with Attribute Exclusion

const User = sequelize.define('User', { /* ... attributes ... */ });

  attributes: { exclude: ['password'] }
}).then(users => {
  // users will not include the password field

Instance Methods to Exclude Passwords

Instance methods can be created in our model that returns the user data without the password:

User.prototype.toJSON = function () {
  const values = { ...this.get() };
  delete values.password;
  return values;

Using Scopes to Secure Queries

Scopes can be defined within our model to encapsulate the attribute exclusion logic:

User.addScope('withoutPassword', {
  attributes: { exclude: ['password'] }

User.scope('withoutPassword').findAll().then(users => {
  // users without password

Dynamic Attribute Exclusion

Dynamically excluding attributes, such as password, based on the context of the query can be more flexible:

  attributes: {
    exclude: ['password'],
    include: [[sequelize.fn('COUNT', sequelize.col('')), 'PostCount']]
  include: [{
    model: Post,
    attributes: []
}).then(usersWithPostCount => {
  // Result includes PostCount, excludes password

Attribute Exclusion in Association Queries

When fetching associated data, use the ‘attributes’ option in the ‘include’:

  include: [{
    model: Post,
    as: 'Posts',
    attributes: { exclude: ['password'] }
}).then(users => {
  // Post data will exclude password field

Security Considerations

While excluding the password from queries is important, ensuring overall security requires hashing the password and adhering to best practices throughout your application.

Using Middleware for Password Hashing

User.beforeCreate(user => {
  user.password = hashPassword(user.password);

Advanced Techniques

For complex scenarios, you may need to implement dynamic attribute exclusion based on user roles or utilize virtual attributes.

Role-based Attribute Exclusion

function getAttributesByRole(role) {
  return role === 'admin' ? {} : { exclude: ['password'] };

  attributes: getAttributesByRole(req.user.role)
}).then(users => {
  // Excludes or includes the password based on the user's role

Virtual Attributes for Secure Access

Virtual attributes can be used to create computed values that are not actually present in the database. This is useful for hiding certain data:

const User = sequelize.define('User', {
  username: Sequelize.STRING,
  password: Sequelize.STRING,
  password_display: {
    type: Sequelize.VIRTUAL,
    get() {
      return '******';

User.findAll().then(users => {
  // The password_display will show '******' instead of the actual password


In conclusion, carefully managing the visibility of sensitive data like passwords in Sequelize.js is crucial for maintaining application security. We explored various methods to exclude these details from query results, including attribute exclusion, instance methods, and scopes. Advanced techniques such as dynamic context-sensitive exclusions and virtual attributes can further enhance this security measure.

Remember, excluding sensitive information from query results is just one part of securing your application. It is equally important to hash passwords, manage roles appropriately, and follow broader security best practices to ensure the overall safety of your users’ data.

Next Article: How to Perform Bulk Update in Sequelize.js

Previous Article: Understanding GROUP BY in Sequelize.js

Series: Sequelize.js Tutorials


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