Setting FOREIGN KEY constraint in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Enforcing referential integrity is a critical aspect of database management. In PostgreSQL, FOREIGN KEY constraints are indispensable tools for maintaining the relationships between tables in a relational database.

Understanding FOREIGN KEY Constraints

A FOREIGN KEY is a column or a set of columns that establish a link between data in two tables. It corresponds to the PRIMARY KEY or a UNIQUE key in another table, creating a relationship that ensures the data integrity across those tables.

To illustrate, let’s consider a practical example using an online store’s database with two tables: customers and orders. The customers table has a PRIMARY KEY customer_id, while the orders table contains a FOREIGN KEY that references the customers table to assign each order to a specific customer.

CREATE TABLE customers (
    customer_id integer PRIMARY KEY,
    name text NOT NULL,
    email text NOT NULL UNIQUE

    order_id integer PRIMARY KEY,
    order_date DATE NOT NULL,
    amount DECIMAL NOT NULL,
    customer_id integer,
    FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customers (customer_id)

Adding a FOREIGN KEY to an Existing Table

If you need to add a FOREIGN KEY constraint to an already existing table, you can use the ALTER TABLE statement as shown:

ADD CONSTRAINT fk_customer
FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customers (customer_id);

Here, fk_customer is the name given to the FOREIGN KEY constraint. Naming a constraint allows for easier identification and management, especially when you need to alter or drop the constraint in the future.

Composite FOREIGN KEY Constraints

In some scenarios, you might want to define a FOREIGN KEY across multiple columns. This is known as a composite FOREIGN KEY, and it’s useful when referencing multi-column primary keys.

CREATE TABLE product_details (
    product_id integer NOT NULL,
    supplier_id integer NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (product_id, supplier_id)

CREATE TABLE product_orders (
    order_id integer PRIMARY KEY,
    product_id integer NOT NULL,
    supplier_id integer NOT NULL,
    FOREIGN KEY (product_id, supplier_id) REFERENCES product_details (product_id, supplier_id)

Foreign Key with ON DELETE and ON UPDATE Actions

PostgreSQL allows you to define the behavior of FOREIGN KEY constraints in response to deletion or updating of the referenced data using ON DELETE and ON UPDATE actions. Let’s go over these:

  • NO ACTION: This is the default behavior. It rejects the deletion or update of the parent key if there are matching foreign keys.
  • CASCADE: When the referenced row is deleted or updated, all rows that reference it are automatically deleted or updated as well.
  • SET NULL: All foreign keys that refer to the deleted or updated row are set to NULL.
  • SET DEFAULT: All foreign keys that reference the deleted or updated row are set to their column’s default value.

For example:

ADD CONSTRAINT fk_customer
FOREIGN KEY (customer_id)
REFERENCES customers (customer_id)

Deferring FOREIGN KEY Constraints

By default, FOREIGN KEY constraints are immediately checked at the end of each statement. However, there are situations where you may wish to defer constraint checks until the end of the transaction. This is useful for complex transactions involving multiple tables where it’s simpler to temporarily violate referential integrity.

ADD CONSTRAINT fk_customer
FOREIGN KEY (customer_id)
REFERENCES customers (customer_id)

This allows the FOREIGN KEY checks to be deferred until a COMMIT is issued.

Optimizing Performance with Indexes

While FOREIGN KEY constraints ensure data integrity, they can impact performance. To mitigate this, proper indexing of FOREIGN KEY columns is essential. An index on the foreign key column can greatly improve the speed of constraint checks and join operations.

CREATE INDEX idx_customer_id ON orders (customer_id);

Monitoring and Troubleshooting FOREIGN KEY Constraints

When working with FOREIGN KEY constraints, you may need to monitor and troubleshoot them. PostgreSQL provides a wealth of information within the catalog tables. Tools like EXPLAIN and pgAdmin can help review your foreign key usage and potential performance issues.


In conclusion, FOREIGN KEY constraints are instrumental for enforcing data integrity in relational databases. As shown in this tutorial, PostgreSQL offers extensive capabilities to manage FOREIGN KEY constraints effectively, from the basic setup to fine-tuning their behavior and performance. Knowing how to work with these constraints is vital for any DBA or developer working with PostgreSQL databases.