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Share Data Between Main Thread and Workers via JavaScript

Last updated: December 14, 2024

Web Workers provide a simple way for web content to run scripts in background threads. Spawning a worker is as simple as instantiating a new Worker object, pointing to a JavaScript file with the logic you want to run in the background. However, one common question is how to share data between the main thread and workers efficiently.

Why Use Web Workers?

JavaScript, as a single-threaded language, can be limiting for performing intensive operations, like processing large datasets or handling highly interactive user interactions, where the main thread can become blocked. Web Workers help alleviate such issues by allowing you to delegate tasks to background threads.

Creating a Web Worker

To create a Web Worker, save the code you want to run in a separate JavaScript file and use the following code:

// main.js
// Create a new worker and specify the script URL
const worker = new Worker('worker.js');

This script sets up a simple worker. Once created, you can communicate with it by sending messages back and forth using the postMessage method.

Sending Data to the Worker

You send data to a Web Worker using the postMessage method:

// main.js
// Sending data to the worker
dataToSend = { message: 'Hello, Worker!' };

In the worker script, you listen for messages using the onmessage event handler:

// worker.js
// Listening for data sent by the main thread
self.onmessage = function(event) {
  console.log('Worker received:',;

Receiving Data from the Worker

Workers can also communicate back to the main thread using the postMessage method defined on the worker itself:

// worker.js
// Sending a response back from the worker
self.onmessage = function(event) {
  // Assuming some processing here
  const processedData =;
  // Send the processed data back to the main thread

In your main script, you capture the response with an onmessage event listener:

// main.js
// Receiving data from the worker
worker.onmessage = function(event) {
  console.log('Main thread received:',;

Transferrable Objects

For performance optimization, especially when handling large pieces of data, you can take advantage of Transferrable Objects, like ArrayBuffer. This allows you to transfer data ownership from the main thread to the worker without copying, minimizing overhead.

// main.js
const arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
worker.postMessage(arrayBuffer, [arrayBuffer]);

With transferrable objects, once the ownership is transferred, the original buffer becomes unusable in the sending context until it gets received on the other side.

Advanced Usage: SharedArrayBuffer

Beyond simple messaging, ECMAScript 2017 introduced SharedArrayBuffer, allowing threads to share byte-level access to memory without copying. This is particularly useful in scenarios requiring tight synchronization, commonplace in complex applications like game logic, WebAssembly, etc.

// main.js
const sab = new SharedArrayBuffer(1024);
new Int32Array(sab)[0] = 42; // initialize shared buffer

In the worker:

// worker.js
self.onmessage = function(event) {
  const sharedBuffer = new Int32Array(;
  console.log('Shared data in worker:', sharedBuffer[0]); // outputs 42

Security Considerations

It is worth noting that while SharedArrayBuffer opened powerful new capabilities, security vulnerabilities such as Spectre necessitated some browsers to temporary suspend its support. It is typically used with Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy and Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy headers to prevent spectre-related attacks in modern environments.


Using JavaScript Web Workers provides a clean solution to offload tasks from the main thread, leading to smoother user experiences. By efficiently managing data sharing through simple messaging or advanced constructs like SharedArrayBuffer, developers can leverage the full power of modern web browsers.

Next Article: Build Faster Apps with Multithreading Using JavaScript Web Workers

Previous Article: Improve Responsiveness by Parallelizing with Web Workers in JavaScript

Series: Web APIs – JavaScript Tutorials


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