[Solved] PHP Composer Warning: openssl extension is missing

Updated: January 12, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

Running into the ‘openssl extension is missing’ warning when working with PHP Composer can throw a wrench into your development workflow. This tutorial will walk you through steps to confidently address and resolve this issue. Composer is a powerful dependency manager for PHP, so ensuring it is properly configured is essential for modern PHP development.

Understanding the Warning

Before diving into the solution, understanding what the warning means is important. The OpenSSL library provides cryptographic functionality crucial for security purposes in PHP and many Composer packages depend on this extension. If PHP is not properly configured with the OpenSSL extension, Composer cannot manage packages that require encryption or secure data transmission.

Checking OpenSSL Extension

Start by figuring out if the OpenSSL PHP extension is installed and enabled:

  • Open a terminal or command prompt.
  • Type php -m to see the loaded PHP modules.
  • A list of modules will appear. Look for openssl in the list. If you don’t see it, the extension is not enabled.

If the extension is installed but not enabled, you might need to edit your PHP’s php.ini file to enable it. This can be done by uncommenting the line ;extension=openssl, removing the semicolon at the beginning of the line.

Installing OpenSSL on Different Systems

Depending on your operating system, installing and enabling OpenSSL can vary. Here’s how you can do this on different platforms:


  1. Locate your php.ini file which is typically in your PHP installation folder.
  2. Search for the line ;extension=openssl and uncomment it.
  3. Restart your web server for the changes to take effect.


  1. Most Linux distributions come with OpenSSL installed. Install it via your package manager if it’s missing. On Ubuntu/Debian, use sudo apt-get install openssl.
  2. Locate the php.ini file, which is often found in /etc/php/{version}/cli.
  3. Uncomment or add the line extension=openssl.
  4. Restart your web server service.


  1. Similar to Linux, OpenSSL is usually preinstalled on Mac systems. If it’s missing, you can install it via Homebrew with brew install openssl.
  2. Edit the php.ini or create one if it does not exist.
  3. Uncomment or add the line extension=openssl.
  4. You may need to link the OpenSSL extension in PHP to the one installed by Brew.

Further steps and troubleshooting methods are necessary if installation or enabling the extension doesn’t resolve the issue. Diving into more specific scenarios may require looking at environmental paths, checking PHP configuration load files, or installing/upgrading PHP and Composer to the latest versions.

Verifying the Fix

After following the solution steps, verify whether the issue is resolved:

  • Restart your web server or PHP FastCGI Process Manager (if applicable).
  • Run composer diagnose to check if Composer is properly set up. All checks should come back as OK.

If any checks fail, the messages will help guide further troubleshooting. When all issues are addressed, you can return to managing your PHP projects with Composer without the ‘openssl extension is missing’ warning impeding your progress.

Encountering this OpenSSL issue can be a simple configuration oversight or an indication of a need for a deeper diagnostic into your PHP environment. Regardless, with these steps, developers can swiftly navigate through these warnings and deliver applications that rely on PHP Composer’s robust features.