Solving Laravel Error: Your Session Has Expired

Updated: January 17, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with Laravel, you might occasionally encounter an error message stating ‘Your session has expired’. This can be frustrating and confusing, but with the right approach, it can be resolved efficiently. This error typically occurs when the user session is invalid or has been idle for too long, surpassing the session lifetime configured in your Laravel application.

In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the steps to diagnose and solve the ‘Your Session Has Expired’ error in Laravel. We’ll talk about sessions in Laravel, why they expire, and several methods to troubleshoot and prevent session expiry issues.

Understanding Laravel Sessions

Laravel provides powerful session management services. Sessions are a crucial part of web applications, enabling the server to store information about the user across multiple requests. Laravel supports various session backends like file, cookie, database, memcached, and redis.

Session configuration file in Laravel is found at config/session.php. Open this file to review the default session settings such as 'lifetime', which defines the number of minutes the session should be considered valid.

Example session configuration:

'lifetime' => 120,

Common Causes of Session Expiry

Session expiration could be due to several reasons:

  • Sessions timed out due to user inactivity.
  • An issue with the session driver or misconfiguration.
  • Session data does not persist likely due to incorrect permissions on the session storage path.
  • CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) token mismatches, which Laravel checks for every POST request.

Common Fixes for ‘Your Session Has Expired’ Error

Here’s how you can address and resolve some common session-related errors in Laravel:

Increasing Session Lifetime

If the issue is related to short session lifetime, you can increase the session 'lifetime' value in the config/session.php file:

'lifetime' => 240, 
// The new session lifetime in minutes

Permissions for Session Storage

Verify that the storage path has the correct permissions. You can change the permissions using the chmod command:

sudo chmod -R 755 storage/framework/sessions

CSRF Token Mismatch

A CSRF token mismatch could invalidate a session. Make sure that your forms include a CSRF token:

<form method="POST" action="/your-route"> 
   {{ csrf_field() }} 

Database Sessions Table

When using the database session driver, the sessions table must be correctly set up:

php artisan session:table php artisan migrate

Clearing Config Cache

Configuration cache might cause old configuration values to be used. To clear it, use:

php artisan config:clear

Regenerating CSRF Token

In some cases, generating a new token might fix the error:

php artisan key:generate

Advanced Troubleshooting

If the common fixes don’t resolve the error, consider these advanced troubleshooting methods:

Check Session Driver Config

Ensure the session driver in .env file is correctly set:


Logs and Error Messages

Inspect Laravel logs located at storage/logs for additional error information. Pay attention to errors occurring around the same time as session expiry.

Custom Middleware Issues

Custom middleware might unintentionally interfere with session management. Audit your custom middleware for any session-related operations.

Browser Cookie Settings

Client-side issues such as browser cookie settings can affect sessions. Verify client-side behaviors and configurations.

Session Hijacking or Fixation Protection

Laravel’s security features may invalidate sessions as protection against session hijacking or fixation. Ensure no malicious activity is causing security features to trigger a session reset.


Dealing with the ‘Your Session Has Expired’ error in Laravel can include adjusting session settings, checking configurations, and identifying potential code-related mishaps. Implement the above practices to troubleshoot effectively, keeping in mind that session management is a critical aspect of the security and user experience of your Laravel application.