Solving PHP Composer error: requires ext_curl

Updated: January 12, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with PHP and Composer, encountering various errors related to package dependencies is not uncommon. One such error is when Composer indicates that ‘ext_curl’ is required, but it’s either not enabled or not installed on your system. This tutorial will walk you through the process of resolving the ext_curl error to ensure a smooth workflow.

Understanding ext_curl

CURL is a powerful command-line tool for transferring data with URL syntax. In PHP, the cURL functions are provided by an extension named ‘ext_curl.’ This extension allows you to connect and communicate with different types of servers using different types of protocols.

What Triggers the Error?

The ‘requires ext_curl’ error typically occurs when Composer checks your system for the requirements of packages you attempt to install, and the cURL extension is not detected. This might happen if:

  • The extension is not installed on the server.
  • The extension is not enabled in the php.ini file.

Step-by-Step Solutions

Below are the steps to solve the issue:

1. Check if cURL is Installed

Open your terminal or command line interface and type:

php -m | grep curl

If you get an output saying ‘curl’, it means the extension is installed and you just need to enable it. If nothing is returned, you need to install it first.

2. Install or Enable ext_curl

To install or enable the extension:

On Windows:

  1. Find and open your php.ini file, which is usually located in your PHP installation directory.
  2. You may find two php.ini files, one for CLI and another for Apache. Make sure to edit the one relevant to your setup. If you are unsure, edit both.
  3. Remove the semicolon from the beginning of the line that says ;extension=curl to uncomment it.
  4. Save the php.ini file and restart your web server.

On Unix/Linux/Mac:

  1. Install curl using your package manager, for example sudo apt-get install php-curl for Ubuntu/Debian, or sudo yum install php-curl for CentOS/Fedora.
  2. Restart the web server using sudo service apache2 restart for Apache, or sudo service nginx restart for Nginx.

3. Check Your PHP Version

Ensure that the version of PHP where CURL is enabled corresponds to the one Composer is using. Sometimes Composer might use a different PHP version. You can check your PHP version by running:

php -v

4. Resolve Version-Specific Issues

Make sure that the PHP version you are working with supports cURL. If you’ve recently upgraded your PHP, ensure that the new version also includes the cURL extension. You might need to install it again for the new version.

5. Verify if the issue is Solved

After installation and enabling the extension, you should run the Composer command which was previously causing the error. If there is no error, you’ve successfully resolved the issue.

Troubleshooting Further Issues

If the error persists:

  • Reboot your system – it might just be what it needs.
  • Double-check that the changes to php.ini have been correctly saved.
  • Make sure that the PHP binary used in the terminal is the same as the one used by your web server.
  • Look up the specific error message on Stack Overflow or similar forums to find a myriad of issues and solutions regarding PHP and Composer.


Dealing with errors like ‘requires ext_curl’ is part and parcel of the PHP development experience. Usually, such issues stem from configuration errors. By methodically following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this guide, you should be able to identify and fix the underlying problem, ultimately allowing Composer and your PHP applications to run as expected.

For more nuanced problems or if you’re faced with a new PHP or Composer error, remember that resources like, Composer’s official documentation, and the PHP community on platforms like Stack Overflow can provide valuable assistance. Working with PHP extensions can be tricky, but with the right knowledge and tools, you’ll be able to configure your environment correctly and keep your workflow efficient and error-free.