Solving PostgreSQL Error: Failed to Load SQL Procedure

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


PostgreSQL is a powerful, open-source object-relational database system that uses and extends the SQL language combined with many features. However, developers sometimes encounter errors when working with SQL procedures, such as “failed to load the SQL procedure ‘procedure_name'”. In this guide, we will delve into the reasons behind this error and present several solutions to troubleshooting and fixing the problem.

Understanding the Error

The “failed to load the SQL procedure” error in PostgreSQL typically indicates that the database engine was unable to find or execute a specified stored procedure. This can be due to several reasons such as syntax errors, privileges issues, or the procedure may not exist in the database.

Solution 1: Verify Procedure Existence and Name

Before diving into more advanced diagnostics, ensure that the procedure actually exists in the database and the name is correctly spelled:

  1. Access the PostgreSQL database using an SQL client or command-line tool.
  2. Use the \dt or the SELECT * FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = 'procedure_name'; command to verify if the procedure exists.
  3. Check for any typing errors in the procedure name.

Code Example:

SELECT * FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = 'procedure_name';

Advantages: This is a simple initial check that can save time before looking for more complex issues. It’s always good to rule out simple typos or oversight.

Limitations: If the procedure exists and is correctly named, this solution will not resolve the issue.

Solution 2: Check for Syntax Errors in the Procedure

Syntax errors within the SQL procedure can prevent it from loading. Ensure that the procedure’s code follows the correct syntax conventions of PostgreSQL:

  1. Review the stored procedure definition for any syntactic irregularities.
  2. If a syntax error is found, modify the code to correct it.
  3. Redeploy the fixed procedure to the database and test its execution.


Since this involves an examination of your existing code for errors, no specific code example is applicable. However, once issues are identified, they can be corrected similar to the following:

    -- Corrected functionality
$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Advantages: Correcting syntax errors eliminates procedural failure at runtime and is often essential for resolving the error.

Limitations: Requires thorough knowledge of PostgreSQL syntax rules and can be time-consuming if the procedure is complex.

Solution 3: Ensure Proper User Privileges

A lack of adequate permissions might lead to the inability to execute the procedure. Ensure that the user has the correct privileges.


  1. Determine the appropriate privileges required to execute the procedure.
  2. Verify the user’s current permissions with the \du command or by querying the pg_roles table.
  3. Grant the necessary permissions if they are not adequate.


GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION procedure_name() TO designated_user;

Advantages: Correct user privileges are critical for secure and effective database operation.

Limitations: If the user already has the correct permissions, this solution will not be relevant.


Encountering the “failed to load the SQL procedure” error can be a hurdle, but with careful troubleshooting, the issue can be resolved. Whether it’s as simple as a typo or requires a permission adjustment, PostgreSQL offers the tools needed to diagnose and correct such issues. Utilize this guide to methodically address the error and ensure your SQL procedures load and execute as expected.