Solving Python ImportError: No module named ‘pymongo’

Updated: February 8, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

Experiencing an ImportError: No module named 'pymongo' can be baffling for beginners and even for some experienced Python developers. This error typically arises when Python can’t locate the pymongo library, which is a MongoDB driver for Python. Understanding the root causes and solutions to this problem is crucial for developers working with MongoDB in their Python projects. In this tutorial, we will explore various solutions to resolve this error effectively.


At its core, the ImportError: No module named 'pymongo' indicates that Python is unable to find the pymongo module. There can be multiple reasons for this error:

  • The pymongo library is not installed in your Python environment.
  • Your script is running in a different Python environment where pymongo is not installed.
  • You have a virtual environment activated, which does not have pymongo installed.
  • There are conflicts between Python versions or path issues.

Solution 1: Installing PyMongo

The most straightforward solution is to ensure that pymongo is installed in your Python environment. This can be easily done using pip, Python’s package installer.

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt.
  2. Ensure you have pip installed by running pip --version. If pip is not installed, you will need to install it first.
  3. Install pymongo by executing pip install pymongo.
  4. Verify the installation by running python -c "import pymongo; print(pymongo.__version__)". If you see the version number of pymongo printed without any errors, you’ve successfully resolved the issue.

Notes: This solution is simple and effective for most users. However, it requires pip to be installed. Ensure that you’re installing pymongo in the correct Python environment if you’re using multiple environments or versions.

Solution 2: Verifying Python Environment

Sometimes, the issue arises because the script is executed in a different environment than the one pymongo is installed in. Verifying and ensuring you’re in the correct environment can resolve the issue.

  1. Check which Python environment your script is using by executing which python or where python (on Windows).
  2. If you’re using a virtual environment, make sure it’s activated by running source <venv_path>/bin/activate (Mac/Linux) or <venv_path>\Scripts\activate (Windows).
  3. After ensuring you’re in the correct environment, try installing pymongo again using pip install pymongo.

Notes: This solution ensures that your script runs in the intended environment, eliminating discrepancies. The drawback is that it might require environment-specific troubleshooting, which could be a bit technical for beginners.

Solution 3: Checking for Conflicts and Path Issues

Python version conflicts or PATH issues can prevent Python from finding installed packages. Resolving these conflicts can fix the ImportError.

  1. Verify the version of Python you’re using by running python --version.
  2. Check if PYTHONPATH is correctly set up. PYTHONPATH should include the directories where Python looks for modules.
  3. Ensure there are no conflicting installations of Python. If there are, you may need to update your PATH environment variable to prioritize the correct Python installation.

Notes: This solution addresses more technical aspects of Python setups. It’s effective but requires a good understanding of system paths and environments. The limitation is that it might not apply to all users, especially those on managed environments or without command line access.