Sorting Arrays in PHP: A Complete Guide (7 Examples)

Updated: January 11, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Sorting data efficiently is a fundamental feature in programming, and sorting arrays is a common task that every PHP developer encounters. PHP comes with a rich set of array sorting functions that tailor to different use cases. This comprehensive guide will teach you how to use the array sorting functions in PHP to manage and organize data more effectively.

Understanding the nature of the data you’re sorting is crucial. PHP arrays can be numerical arrays (with numeric keys), associative arrays (with string keys), or multidimensional arrays (an array of arrays). Determining the type of array and the sorting criteria (by keys, values, naturally, etc.) is the first step in choosing the right sorting function.

Sorting Techniques in PHP

1. sort() and rsort()

The sort() function is the basic sorting tool in PHP for numerical arrays. It sorts the array in increasing order. Conversely, rsort() sorts arrays in decreasing order. Both functions assign new keys to the elements they sort, which means the original keys will be lost.

$numbers = array(4, 2, 10, 8);
// $numbers is now (2, 4, 8, 10)

2. asort() and arsort()

If you need to sort an associative array and maintain key-value associations, use asort() for ascending order and arsort() for descending order.

$fruits = array("orange" => 1, "apple" => 4, "banana" => 2);
// $fruits is now ("orange" => 1, "banana" => 2, "apple" => 4)

3. ksort() and krsort()

When the order of keys is your priority rather than the values, ksort() (ascending) and krsort() (descending) come into play. These functions sort the array by key while maintaining the key-value association.

$fruits = array("orange" => 1, "apple" => 4, "banana" => 2);
// $fruits is now ("apple" => 4, "banana" => 2, "orange" => 1)

4. usort(), uasort(), and uksort()

For more complex sorting, PHP offers sorting functions that allow for a user-defined comparison function. usort() works on numerical arrays, uasort() on associative arrays, and uksort() sorts by keys. This allows for custom sorting algorithms.

function customSort($a, $b) {
    if ($a == $b) {
        return 0;
    return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1;

$numbers = array(3, 1, 4, 1, 5);
usort($numbers, 'customSort');
// $numbers is sorted using the custom function

5. natsort() and natcasesort()

The natural sorting functions, natsort() and natcasesort(), allow you to sort strings that contain numbers in a way that looks natural to humans, i.e., “image5.png” will come before “image12.png”. The latter is case-insensitive.

$images = array("image12.png", "image10.png", "image2.png", "image1.png");
// $images is now ordered as you would expect

6. Multisort – array_multisort()

When you’re dealing with multiple arrays or a multidimensional array that needs to be sorted by more than one set of criteria, array_multisort() is your friend. You can sort multiple arrays, or a multidimensional array, and you can specify different sorting orders and sorting types for each array.

$volume = array(10, 5, 15);
$price = array(1, 2, 1);
array_multisort($volume, $price);
// The arrays are sorted in relation to each other

7. Handling Sort Flags

PHP also provides several sorting flags to fine-tune sorting behavior, such as SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_STRING, and SORT_NATURAL. These can be used as optional parameters in most sort functions.

$numbers = array('10', '8', '50', '2');
sort($numbers, SORT_NUMERIC);
// Now, the array is sorted numerically


Sorting arrays in PHP is simple, thanks to the built-in functions. However, understanding the nuances and choosing the right function for your specific context is the key to efficient sorting. Whether you’re working with numeric, associative, or multidimensional arrays, PHP offers the flexibility needed to sort your data as required. Remember that the ability to write and comprehend custom sorting functions provides you with the most power but also requires a good grasp of PHP’s callback functions. Happy coding, and may your arrays always be sorted just the way you need them to be!