SQLAlchemy: Convert Query Results into Dictionary

Updated: January 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


SQLAlchemy is a popular Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for Python, designed to simplify database interactions. It allows developers to write Python code instead of SQL to create, read, update, and delete data in the database. Often, there is a requirement to convert the result sets returned by SQLAlchemy queries into a dictionary format, which is a more Pythonic and often more convenient data structure for further processing. This step-by-step guide will show you multiple methods to transform your query results into dictionaries, ranging from simple to more advanced scenarios.

Basic Conversion to Dictionary

# Import the necessary modules
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, Table

# Define your engine, meta, table and session here

# Perform a query
results = session.query(YourModel).all()

# Convert to dictionary
result_dicts = [{column.name: getattr(row, column.name) for column in YourModel.__table__.columns} for row in results]

Using list comprehension, the example above illustrates the fundamental way to convert each row of the query results into a dictionary. Each column’s name and value are mapped to corresponding dictionary key-value pairs.

Using the namedtuple Result

from collections import namedtuple

# Execute the query and use _asdict() function
Result = namedtuple('Result', [column.name for column in YourModel.__table__.columns])

# Fetch rows as namedtuples
named_tuples = [Result(*row). _asdict() for row in session.execute(query)]

Another way to convert results to a dictionary is through namedtuples. By fetching rows as namedtuples, we can simply use the ._asdict() method to convert the resulting object to a dictionary.

Advanced Method: Automating Dictionary Conversion

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

Base = declarative_base()

class SerializerMixin:
    def __init__(self, data):
        for field in self.__table__.columns:
            if ha getattr(field, 'name'):
                setattr(self, field.name, data[field.name])

    def to_dict(self):
        return {column.name: getattr(self, column.name) for column in self.__table__.columns}
class YourModel(Base, SerializerMixin):
    __tablename__ = 'your_table'

    # define your columns

This advanced example demonstrates how to create a mixin class that can be used to serialize any model instance to a dictionary. With the to_dict() method, you can easily convert query results to dictionaries, without having to write repetitive code.

Using Hybrid Properties for Custom Fields

from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property

# Add a hybrid property in your model
class YourModel(Base):
    # ... model definitions ...
    def custom_field(self):
        return self.some_column * 10 # or any other custom logic

# Now, custom_field can be included in to_dict method
# Extend the SerializerMixin to handle hybrid properties
class ExtendedSerializerMixin(SerializerMixin):
    def to_dict(self):
        for key in self.__mapper__.all_orm_descriptors.keys():
            if isinstance(getattr(self, key, None), HybridProperty):
                dictionary[key]=getattr(self, key)
        return dictionary

In cases where hybrid properties represent virtual columns, you may also need these to appear in your dictionaries. The code snippet above shows how you can enhance the SerializerMixin to support hybrid properties.


In summary, SQLAlchemy provides developers with multiple approaches to transform query results into dictionaries. Whether you’re working with basic queries or require a more automated and robust solution for your application, SQLAlchemy’s flexible toolkit supports many strategies for this conversion. Employing these techniques can make data manipulation in your applications more Pythonic, comprehensible, and maintainable.