SQLAlchemy: How to use GROUP BY with COUNT(*)

Updated: January 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding how to group and count records in a database is crucial for data analysis. SQLAlchemy, a powerful Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for Python, allows developers to interact with databases in a Pythonic way. This tutorial covers the intricacies of using the GROUP BY clause alongside COUNT(*) in SQLAlchemy.

Basic Usage of GROUP BY

The GROUP BY statement in SQL is used to arrange identical data into groups. The COUNT() function, when used with GROUP BY, counts the number of elements in each group. In SQLAlchemy, we approach this using the group_by() method along with func.count(). Let’s take a look at a simple example:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, func
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from myapp.models import User

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///mydatabase.db')
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

# Count the number of users in each group
user_counts = session.query(User.group, func.count(User.id)).group_by(User.group).all()

for group, count in user_counts:
    print(f'Group: {group}, Count: {count}')

Understanding the Query Object

When working with SQLAlchemy, constructing a query involves creating a Query object that specifies what information you want to retrieve and how you want to group it. The key methods to know are group_by() and func.count(). Here’s a bit more complex example:

from sqlalchemy import and_

# Count the number of users in each group with an active account status
active_user_counts = session.query(User.group, func.count(User.id)).filter(User.status == 'active').group_by(User.group).all()

This filters the users for the active ones before grouping them.

Aggregating Data from Related Tables

Joining Tables

Sometimes, the data you need to group and count spans across multiple tables. In such cases, you need to use join() to combine the data. Here’s how you might count the number of orders by each customer from an Orders table that references a Users table:

from myapp.models import User, Order

# Count the number of orders for each user
order_counts = session.query(User.name, func.count(Order.id)).select_from(User).join(Order).group_by(User.name).all()

for username, count in order_counts:
    print(f'User: {username}, Orders: {count}')

Using Aliases for Subqueries

In more advanced cases, you might use subqueries and aliases to create complex group by statements. With SQLAlchemy, subqueries can be treated as standalone tables. For example:

from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased
from sqlalchemy.sql import label

subquery = session.query(Order.user_id, label('order_count', func.count(Order.id))).group_by(Order.user_id).subquery()
UserOrderCount = aliased(subquery, name='user_order_count')

# Now, you can join this subquery as if it was a table:
full_query = session.query(User, UserOrderCount.c.order_count).join(UserOrderCount, User.id == UserOrderCount.c.user_id)

# This will give you a query that joins user information with a count of their orders.

Handling Group By with Having Clause

In some instances, you might want to filter groups after they’ve been aggregated. This is where the having() clause comes into play:

# Applying a HAVING clause to filter groups that have more than 10 users
large_groups = session.query(User.group, func.count(User.id)).group_by(User.group).having(func.count(User.id) > 10).all()

The having() clause works similarly to filter(), but it operates on the results of the group_by instead of on the rows themselves.


SQLAlchemy simplifies managing database queries, and using GROUP BY with COUNT(*) can untangle the complexity of data analysis tasks. This tutorial touched on the basics, handled related table joins, and explained the use of aliases and subqueries. These constructs are just the starting point for exploring the capabilities of SQLAlchemy’s grouping and counting features.