Updated: January 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding how to perform LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN operations in SQLAlchemy is essential for working effectively with related datasets in Python-based database applications.

Why Use Joins?

The power of relational databases lies in the capability to relate records in one table to records in another. Joins are the mechanism by which SQL-oriented databases pull data from multiple tables into a cohesive result set based on relational keys. LEFT JOIN, also known as LEFT OUTER JOIN, and RIGHT JOIN, also known as RIGHT OUTER JOIN, are two types of OUTER JOINs used to find rows with common elements as well as rows with no direct correlation in the opposite table.

Setting the Stage

To start working with SQLAlchemy’s JOINs, you should have:

  • A working Python environment
  • SQLAlchemy library installed
  • A database connection via SQLAlchemy’s engine
  • Some tables mapped to ORM classes or directly accessed via the Core


Let’s start by exploring a basic use case of a LEFT JOIN. Imagine you have two tables: users and orders where each order is related to a user through a user_id key.

from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from yourapplication.database import User, Order, engine

# Assume User and Order classes are already defined

def perform_left_join():
    with Session(engine) as session:
        results = session.query(User).join(Order, User.id == Order.user_id, isouter=True).all()
        for user, order in results:
            print(f'{user.name} made an order: {order}')


In this example, ‘isouter=True’ makes the join a LEFT JOIN. It will return all users including those that haven’t made any orders, with ‘None’ in place of any order information.

Advancing with Aliases

When dealing with more complex queries that involve multiple joins or the same table multiple times, SQLAlchemy’s aliasing helps avoid confusion.

from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased

# Further assume you have a Product table related to the Order
order_alias = aliased(Order)

results = session.query(User.name, order_alias.id).\n    join(order_alias, User.id == order_alias.user_id, isouter=True).\n    all()

Navigating Relationships with ORM

If you use SQLAlchemy’s ORM with relationship fields, you can traverse relationships without specifying JOIN conditions explicitly.

# With a relationship on User: 'orders'
results = session.query(User).options(joinedload(User.orders)).all()

This implicitly performs a LEFT JOIN on the related orders table.


SQLAlchemy doesn’t have a direct method for right joins because you can achieve the same result by swapping the order of the entities and performing a LEFT JOIN. Here’s an example:

results = session.query(Order).\n    join(User, Order.user_id == User.id, isouter=True).\n    all()

Filtering Joined Results

Now, we dive deeper and add filtering to the mix. Assume we want users who haven’t placed any orders:

from sqlalchemy.sql import null

results = session.query(User).\n    outerjoin(Order, User.id == Order.user_id).\n    filter(Order.id == null()).\n    all()

Advanced Usage: Subqueries and RIGHT JOINs

Occasionally you might need the power of subqueries when performing RIGHT joins:

subq = session.query(Order.user_id).\n    filter(Order.total > 100).\n    subquery()

results = session.query(User).\n    outerjoin(subq, User.id == subq.c.user_id).\n    filter(subq.c.user_id == null()).\n    all()

Combining LEFT and RIGHT JOINs

In more advanced scenarios, you might need to combine different types of joins. As an example, imagine we want data from users, their orders, and each order’s products.

# Assume 'Product' is another table
results = session.query(User, Order, Product).\n    join(Order, User.id == Order.user_id, isouter=True).\n    join(Product, Order.product_id == Product.id, isouter=True).\n    all()

Best Practices and Performance

Finally, it’s important to use JOINs judiciously. Joins can cause performance issues if not managed well, especially in cases of ‘N+1 query problems’. Always profile your queries and understand ORM’s lazy vs eager loading features for optimizing your JOIN operations.


SQLAlchemy simplifies database interactions in Python, and mastering JOIN operations will help you construct queries that can efficiently gather data from multiple tables. Remember, although RIGHT JOINs aren’t directly supported, they can be recreated using LEFT JOIN syntax, keeping your codebase clean and understandable.