SQLAlchemy: Singular vs Plural Table Names

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Explore the trade-offs between using singular or plural names for tables in SQLAlchemy and their impact on code clarity.


SQLAlchemy, a powerful SQL toolkit and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for Python, is a widely used tool to interact with databases smoothly. When defining models in SQLAlchemy, developers might wonder whether to use singular or plural names for their tables. This debate isn’t just about personal preference—it touches on principles of database normalization, code readability, and the conventions of the tools and languages used.

This article delves into the pros and cons of both approaches, exploring how each can affect the developer experience and offering guidance on which to choose for your next project.

Understanding Table Naming Conventions

In database schema design, there is a longstanding debate about whether table names should be singular or plural. Before we dive into the specifics of SQLAlchemy, let’s consider the general arguments. Some database designers argue that a table name should be plural because it holds multiple records of an entity, like ‘users’ or ‘invoices’. Others suggest that singular names—such as ‘user’ or ‘invoice’—are more intuitive, as each row represents a single instance of the entity.

SQLAlchemy, being flexible, allows you to name your tables whichever way you prefer. This has led to a variety of practices within the Python community.

Examples in Practice

Let’s look at how singular and plural table names work in practice with SQLAlchemy:

ActionSingular Table Name ExamplePlural Table Name Example
Defining a Modelclass User(Base):
__tablename__ = ‘user’
class User(Base):
__tablename__ = ‘users’
Creating a Querysession.query(User).filter(User.name == ‘Alice’)session.query(User).filter(User.name == ‘Alice’)
Joining Tablessession.query(User).join(Order).filter(Order.user_id == User.id)session.query(User).join(Order).filter(Order.user_id == User.id)

As you can see, the use of singular versus plural names does not dramatically alter the structure of the code, but it may influence how the code is read and interpreted. Let’s dig further into great details in the following sections of this article.

Arguments for Singular Table Names

Advocates for singular table names typically cite the following reasons:

  • Clarity in ORM: When using an ORM, classes (representing tables) typically use singular names as they map to a single instance.
  • Natural Language: Singular names can make queries read more like natural English sentences.
  • Adherence to Object Oriented Principles: Classes are singular and so having tables with the same name can maintain consistency.

Arguments for Plural Table Names

On the other side of the debate, proponents of plural table names argue:

  • Reflects Collections: A table is a collection of entities, so a plural name such as ‘customers’ indicates it holds multiple records.
  • SQL Clarity: It may be clearer within the SQL language itself to refer to a table in plural, especially when dealing with JOIN queries.
  • Historical Use: Some SQL developers are accustomed to plural naming due to its use in historical convention.

Impact on SQLAlchemy Code Quality

Honing in on SQLAlchemy, the choice between singular and plural names can have different implications:

  • Model Representation: Using singular names aligns better with the class names, making it more intuitive to those who are familiar with Python’s naming conventions.
  • Query Readability: The ORM’s query syntax may flow more naturally with singular names, while raw SQL might seem clearer with plurals.
  • Consistency with Other Python ORMs: Other Python ORMs like Django ORM prefer singular table names, so using singular names might be more consistent across different Python ORM tools.

Considerations for Implementation

Here are some key aspects to consider when choosing between singular and plural table names for your SQLAlchemy models:

  • Naming Conventions of the Development Team: Align with your team’s or community’s preferred practices. Consistency is crucial.
  • Database Interoperability: If your database is accessed by other systems or ORMs, the table naming convention might need to align with those.
  • Migration from Legacy Systems: Singular or plural names might be dictated by an existing database schema that’s being brought into SQLAlchemy.
  • Personal or Team Philosophy: Your personal insight or team’s philosophy regarding database design could lend more weight to either option.

Common Practices in SQLAlchemy Projects

In many SQLAlchemy projects, best practices tend to follow individual team guidelines or project requirements:

  • Some large-scale projects with multiple databases might adopt a hybrid approach, using singular for some databases and plural for others.
  • In academic or tutorial examples, it’s common to see singular table names for the sake of simplicity.
  • Plural names are often seen in legacy systems or those ported from other technologies like PHP or Ruby.


In conclusion, whether you use singular or plural table names in SQLAlchemy is less about technical necessity and more about personal or team preference, conventions, and the specific context of your project. Both approaches are valid, but and whichever one you choose, aim for consistency throughout your codebase to avoid confusion and increase maintainability.