SQLAlchemy: What if you don’t close database connections?

Updated: February 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


SQLAlchemy is a popular Object Relational Mapper (ORM) for Python, providing an accessible and efficient way to manage and query relational databases. However, as with any tool that interacts with external resources, proper management is crucial. One common oversight is neglecting to close database connections. This guide will explore the implications of not closing database connections in SQLAlchemy and demonstrate best practices to avoid potential issues.

Understanding Database Connections

A database connection is a pathway between your application and your database server. It allows your application to send queries to the database, receive results, and perform transactions. Connections are expensive resources, both in terms of creation time and the resources they consume on the database server. Therefore, efficient management of connections is critical for application performance and reliability.

Implications of Not Closing Connections

  • Resource Leakage: Each unclosed connection consumes resources on both the application and database server. Over time, this can lead to resource saturation, causing performance degradation or even service outages.
  • Database Locks: Transactions that are not properly committed or rolled back can hold locks on database resources, leading to lock contention and affecting the performance of other transactions.
  • Connection Limits: Most databases have a limit on the number of concurrent connections. Not closing connections properly can exhaust your database’s connection pool, leading to errors when attempting to establish new connections.

Best Practices for Connection Management

Proper connection management ensures that resources are efficiently used and released back to the system. Here are some best practices in the context of SQLAlchemy:

Using Context Managers

SQLAlchemy’s Session object supports the context management protocol, making it easy to ensure that connections are properly closed:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

engine = create_engine('your_database_url')
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)

with Session() as session:
    # Perform database operations

When the block exits, the session is automatically committed if there were no exceptions, and the session is closed, releasing the connection back to the pool.

Explicitly Closing Connections

If you are using connections directly, or if your use case does not fit well with context managers, ensure you explicitly close connections:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine

engine = create_engine('your_database_url')
connection = engine.connect()

    # Perform database operations

This pattern ensures that the connection is closed regardless of whether an exception occurred during operation.

Managing Connection Pools

SQLAlchemy manages connection pools that reuse connections efficiently. Configuring your connection pool according to your application’s needs can help mitigate issues related to connection leakage:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine

engine = create_engine('your_database_url', pool_size=10, max_overflow=20, pool_timeout=30, pool_recycle=3600)

# Pool configuration can be adjusted based on your application requirements

This example sets up a pool with a maximum size of 10 connections, allowing 20 more connections to be created if necessary, with a 30-second wait time for an available connection and a 1-hour maximum connection age.

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Monitoring your database connections is essential to identify and troubleshoot potential issues:

  • Logging: SQLAlchemy provides comprehensive logging capabilities that can help you track connection lifecycle events.
  • Database Metrics: Most database servers provide metrics on the number of active connections, waiting times, and lock contention, which can be invaluable for identifying issues.
  • Connection Pool Statistics: SQLAlchemy exposes statistics about the connection pool, which can help in tuning pool configuration and identifying connection leakages.


Properly managing database connections is crucial for application performance and reliability. By following best practices for connection management, using context managers or explicitly closing connections, and configuring and monitoring connection pools, you can avoid the common pitfall of resource leakage and ensure your SQLAlchemy-powered application runs smoothly.

Remember, while SQLAlchemy abstracts many of the complexities of working with databases, it is still important to understand how these abstractions impact resource management and performance. Careful management of database connections is just one aspect of this, but it is a fundamental one that should not be overlooked.