Strings to Dates conversion in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Manipulating dates is a common task in database operations, and converting strings to dates is a vital skill when working with PostgreSQL. By understanding the nuances of date conversions, you can more effectively query and work with time-based data.

Basics of String to Date Conversion

Converting a string to a date in PostgreSQL is accomplished using the TO_DATE function, which takes two arguments – the string to be converted and a format string detailing the composition of the date string.

SELECT TO_DATE('2023-03-15', 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS converted_date;

This query would result in a DATE type with the value ‘2023-03-15’.

Handling Different Formats

Diverse string formats can be interpreted as dates using different format strings. Each character in the format string, such as YYYY for the year or DD for the day, correlates to a part of the input string.

SELECT TO_DATE('15/03/2023', 'DD/MM/YYYY') AS converted_date;

In this case, the DATE resulted will also be ‘2023-03-15’, just interpreted from a different input format.

Converting with Time Included

If the string also includes time information, the TO_TIMESTAMP function comes into play, allowing for combined date and time strings to be converted.

SELECT TO_TIMESTAMP('15-Mar-2023 14:05:00', 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AS converted_timestamp;

This will generate a TIMESTAMP with the corresponding date and time.

Advanced Formatting

You can also deal with more loosely formatted strings or those containing textual representations of months using the full names or abbreviations (i.e., March or Mar).

SELECT TO_TIMESTAMP('March 15, 2023, 14:05', 'Month DD, YYYY, HH24:MI') AS converted_timestamp;

Working with Different Locales

PostgreSQL’s date functions are locale-aware. To handle conversions correctly in locales that use different date formats, ensure that the LC_TIME setting aligns with the expected date string format.

SET lc_time TO 'en_US';
SELECT TO_DATE('07/04/2023', 'MM/DD/YYYY') AS converted_date_us;

SET lc_time TO 'en_GB';
SELECT TO_DATE('07/04/2023', 'DD/MM/YYYY') AS converted_date_uk;

Handling Ambiguities

When there are ambiguities in the date format, explicitly state the expected format order to prevent misinterpretations. For instance, 02/03/04 could stand for different dates in varying formats, but clarifying the format eliminates confusion.

SELECT TO_DATE('02/03/04', 'MM/DD/YY') AS converted_date_ambiguous;

To convert to dates with potential leading zeros or different digit numbers in the components, use appropriate patterns such as FM prefix to skip leading zeros.

SELECT TO_DATE('2/3/4', 'FMMM/FMDD/YY') AS converted_date_lz;

Creating Custom Formats

Complex strings that include text require a tailor-made format string where literal characters are enclosed within double quotes to distinguish them from format specifiers.

SELECT TO_DATE('The Date is 15-03-2023', '"The Date is" DD-MM-YYYY') AS converted_date_custom;

Subtleties in Date-only vs Timestamp

Remember that TO_DATE will drop the time component if included in the string. If preserving the time is crucial, TO_TIMESTAMP remains the correct choice.

SELECT TO_TIMESTAMP('2023-03-15 03:14', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') AS converted_timestamp_ignore;

Avoiding Errors

It’s crucial to align the string format with the format string. Mismatches result in errors, which can be traced through explicit use of the format string, avoiding silent errors and ensuring valid conversions.

SELECT TO_DATE('2023/03/15', 'YYYY-MM-DD') /* Incorrect format string; will result in an error */ AS converted_date_error;

Optimizing through Casting

For simple formats, PostgreSQL allows implicit conversions through standard SQL casting using the :: operator. It’s usually more performant but less explicit.

SELECT '2023-03-15'::DATE AS simple_cast_date;

Working with Interval

Beyond just converting strings to dates, calculations can require intervals. The INTERVAL type and relevant functions facilitate this.

SELECT TO_DATE('2023-03-15', 'YYYY-MM-DD') + INTERVAL '1 day' AS date_plus_interval;


String to date conversion in PostgreSQL is a robust and versatile tool, crucial for extracting meaningful insights from date-based data. The key to mastering date conversions lies in understanding and leveraging PostgreSQL’s date functions and formatting options.