Sub-Queries in Doctrine: A Practical Guide

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with complex databases, sub-queries are an essential tool for developers to execute intricate data retrieval tasks efficiently. Doctrine ORM for PHP provides a robust set of functionalities to perform sub-queries that are both performance-oriented and easy to use. This practical guide will help you understand how to utilize sub-queries within Doctrine to enhance your data manipulation capabilities.

Understanding Sub-Queries

A sub-query, or inner query, is a query nested within another SQL statement. Sub-queries can be used in various parts of a SQL statement such as the SELECT, FROM, and WHERE clauses. In Doctrine, you’ll mostly work with DQL (Doctrine Query Language), which is an object-oriented query language that operates on your entity objects rather than directly on your database tables.

Before diving into the code examples, make sure you have Doctrine installed and configured in your project. In this tutorial, we assume you have already set up a Doctrine entity manager and connected it to your database.

Using Sub-Queries in the WHERE Clause

One of the most common uses of sub-queries is filtering results based on a condition that depends on another query. The following example demonstrates a sub-query within the WHERE clause.

$entityManager = GetEntityManager();
$queryBuilder = $entityManager->createQueryBuilder();

$subQuery = $queryBuilder->subselect('')
    ->from('User', 'u')
    ->where('u.age > 20');

$mainQuery = $queryBuilder
    -gt;from('Profile', 'p')
    ->where($queryBuilder->expr()->in('p.user_id', $subQuery->getDQL()));

$results = $mainQuery->getQuery()->getResult();

In this example, we retrieve all user profiles where the associated user is older than 20 years. Notice how we’ve used the ‘subselect’ method to construct our sub-query and then incorporated it into the main query using the ‘in’ method.

Sub-Queries in the SELECT Clause

You may also use sub-queries within the SELECT clause to return additional computed data with your results. Here’s an illustration:

$entityManager = GetEntityManager();
$queryBuilder = $entityManager->createQueryBuilder();

$subQuery = $queryBuilder->subselect('COUNT(')
    ->from('Order', 'o')
    ->where('o.user = AND o.status = :status')
    ->setParameter('status', 'processed');

$mainQuery = $queryBuilder
    ->select(['u', '(' . $subQuery->getDQL() . ') AS ordersCount'])
    ->from('User', 'u');

$results = $mainQuery->getQuery()->getResult();

In this case, we’re selecting all users alongside the count of processed orders they have. We’ve created a sub-query that counts orders with a processed status for each user and included it within the main SELECT statement.

Joining with Sub-Queries

Sub-queries can also be utilized in JOIN clauses to join tables based on complex conditions or on aggregate conditions that you compute on the fly. Here is an example of how that can be accomplished:

$entityManager = GetEntityManager();
$queryBuilder = $entityManager->createQueryBuilder();

$subQuery = $queryBuilder->subselect('o.userId, SUM(o.amount) as totalAmount')
    ->from('Order', 'o')

$mainQuery = $queryBuilder
    ->select('', 'orderInfo.totalAmount')
    ->from('User', 'u')
    ->leftJoin('('. $subQuery->getDQL() .')', 'orderInfo', 'WITH', ' = orderInfo.userId');

$results = $mainQuery->getQuery()->getResult();

This snippet leverages a sub-query to compute the total amount of orders for each user. Then, we left join this result with our main user query to get user names along with their total order amounts.

Performance Considerations

While sub-queries are powerful, it’s important to use them judiciously as they can impact performance. Some tips to optimize your sub-queries in Doctrine are:

  • Index your database columns appropriately.
  • Avoid SELECT * in sub-queries; only select the columns you need.
  • Be conscious of the number of rows your sub-query outputs, especially when dealing with large datasets.


Sub-queries add a powerful dimension to how you can retrieve data using Doctrine. By abstracting complex database operations into manageable DQL operations, Doctrine allows developers to maintain clear, efficient, and elegant database access within their PHP applications. The examples provided offer a glance into the vast capabilities at your disposal. Experiment with different sub-query formulations to efficiently achieve the custom data retrieval that your application requires.