Subdomain Routing in Laravel: A Developer’s Guide

Updated: January 15, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Routing is an essential aspect of web application development, guiding users to different parts of an application. While most developers are familiar with basic routing, subdomain routing can unlock advanced functionality, allowing for scalable and organized code. In Laravel, a PHP framework known for its elegant syntax and robust features, subdomain routing is not only supported but also straightforward to implement.

This developer’s guide will take you through the processes of setting up and working with subdomain routing in Laravel, from simple examples to more complex scenarios.


  • A working Laravel environment.
  • Knowledge of PHP and basic Laravel concepts.
  • Understanding of the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern.

Basic Subdomain Routing

Getting started with subdomain routing in Laravel is quite straightforward. Subdomain routes are defined much like regular routes, but with an additional ‘domain’ key.

// Add to routes/web.php
Route::domain('{account}')->group(function () {
    Route::get('/', function ($account) {
        // Logic for handling this route

This defines a route group that responds to any subdomain on ‘’ and replaces the {account} parameter with the actual subdomain.

Middleware and Subdomain Routing

Subdomain routing pairs nicely with middleware. Middleware can help you handle aspects like authentication or subdomain verification.

// Define a middleware named 'subdomain'
Route::domain('{account}')->middleware('subdomain')->group(function () {
    Route::get('/', function ($account) {
        // Logic for handling this route with middleware

The ‘subdomain’ middleware could be responsible for validating the account name against the database or setting up tenant-specific configurations.

RESTful Controllers and Subdomains

Laravel controllers help in organizing logic associated with routes. They work with subdomain routing too.

Route::domain('{account}')->group(function () {
    Route::resource('posts', 'PostController');

This example illustrates how to utilize a RESTful controller within a subdomain context.

Subdomains and Route Model Binding

Laravel’s route model binding functionality allows for automatic resolution of Eloquent models attached to routes. This works within subdomain routes as well, enabling the use of models tied to a specific subdomain.

Route::domain('{account}')->group(function () {
    Route::get('users/{user}', function ($account, 
App\Models\User $user) {
        // User is automatically injected here by Laravel

In this example, the User model may contain logic to ensure the user belongs to the account represented by the subdomain.

Advanced Subdomain Routing

Subdomain routing in Laravel can be nested and configured to handle even more complex scenarios. A typical use-case could be a multi-tenant SaaS application where each tenant operates under a distinct subdomain.

// Register a route for a specific subdomain
Route::domain('')->group(function () {
    Route::get('/', 'AdminController@index');

// Register a route for any other subdomain
Route::domain('{account}')->group(function () {
    Route::get('/', 'TenantController@index');

Both subdomains ‘admin’ and {account} are handled separately, potentially reusing controllers for common logic while also providing the flexibility to diverge when needed.

Caching Subdomain Routes

Laravel allows you to cache your application’s routes for improved performance. When using subdomain routing, ensure that dynamic subdomains still function correctly after caching.

php artisan route:cache

If the subdomains are dynamic, you might need to exclude them from cache or use route caching judiciously.


Subdomain routing in Laravel aids in the creation of multi-tenant applications and can lead to more readable and modular code. Once you understand the basics, creating complex, fully-featured apps becomes much more approachable. Embrace this effective tool and refactor your applications for better domain logic separation and clarity.