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Home/Swift/Swift: Counting the Number of Elements in a Set

Swift: Counting the Number of Elements in a Set

Last updated: May 09, 2023

In Swift, you can count the number of elements in a set by using the count property.


let words = Set(["Sling", "Academy", "Swift", "iOS"])
let count = words.count
print("The set contains \(count) elements.")


The set contains 4 elements.

An empty set is a set that contains no elements. You can check whether a set is empty or not like so:

var numbers = Set<Int>()
if(numbers.count == 0){
} else {
    print("Not Empty")



A better solution to check if a set is empty is to use the isEmpty property as shown below:

var numbers = Set<Int>()
} else {
    print("Not Empty")

This concise tutorial ends here. Happy coding & have a nice day!

Next Article: Swift: Checking if a Set Contains a Specific Element

Previous Article: Adding new Elements to a Set in Swift

Series: Collection data types in Swift


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